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Most recently answered no claims questions

I have had to give up my motor trader's insurance policy as I have turned 75 years old and been forced into retirement. However, I have insurance on the car that my wife and I use and we have found it...

You may be interested in something that I did not until now realize, and I suspect most people are not aware of, in connection with the extra insurance that they can take out on their motor policies for...

Recently my car's insurance was due and I was horrified at the hike in premium. I decided to change to another company who asked for evidence of the seven years' no-claim bonus that I declared. When I...

How can I maintain my insurance, NCB, etc., after disposing of my car? I am a named driver on my wife's insurance policy

What was your information about the value or snags with 'protected no claims bonus' additions to car insurance?

I was involved in a minor accident in the evening. I have a witness who is known to me, and said that the other driver was driving without lights. My insurance company says that this is not adequate for...

How important is no claims discount protection on insurance policies?

A few weeks ago, I read in your column something that confused, and worried me, as I had just changed my car insurance supplier. I always understood that you were in favour of shopping around for the cheapest...

Having recently retired and being a city dweller, it makes sense for me to trade in my large saloon car. I now have the chance to sell it to a friend, and am contemplating trying to live without a car...

My son fell victim to the freak hailstones yesterday that caused much damage to the roof and bonnet of his car. Many of his friends came off even worse with cracked windscreens and light cluster damage....