Well I thought so.
Most important thing is to ensure that the seat fits the car properly - everything else is secondary. This was buried at the bottom of the article and with no advice on how to check that it is fitted properly.
There was also a mention of ISOFIX seats, but no mention of the problems that associated with them - risk of them twisting in an accident.
Article seemed more suited to Hello that the DT's usually good motoring bit. Shame 'cos I thought Sue Barker a good journo.
Just thought I'd post it here for a bit of comment - not sure how to advise the DT.
I agree. Also, as a wrinkly grandpa I was horrified to see that up to four seats could be required during the early life of a child - megabucks! No wonder some kids are often seen without. There must be a design answer to that.
Nigel said> Article seemed more suited to Hello that the DT's usually good motoring bit. Shame 'cos I thought Sue Barker a good journo.
At the risk of being called 'picky', wasn't the article by Sue Baker?
David ;-)
sue barker is that tennis player who presents 'a question of sport'.