Ask Honest John

Most recently answered dvla questions
I bought a small used car for my daughter as a first car six weeks ago but have not yet received the new V5C in her name. The 'one man band' dealer, who operates from home, had provided me with the new...
I made a mistake by noting a sleep problem on my online driving licence reapplication, finding after sending that the condition was so mild it did not need declaration. I mailed in my hospital diagnosis...
I’ve been waiting five months for my medical licence. I’ve emailed and written with no response. I can’t ring them as I’m deaf. What can I do?
When will the DVLA be up to date with medical paper applications?
I applied to renew my medical driving licence back in March 2021. As I hadn't owned a car for a while a couple of years had passed since it expired. I have received forms to fill in about my medical condition...
I have already waited eight months for my over 70s licence renewal and I'm getting nowhere.
I had a seizure 12 months ago and have been diagnosed with nocturnal seizures. I have done my 12 months no driving but because my licence was medically revoked I have to wait for a new licence. I sent...
I applied for renewal of my over 70s medical driving licence in March 2022. I have tracked my application which only shows "in progress". Is it normal to wait this long?
I have been waiting for my medical restricted driving licence with the previous one expiring in June. The licence has been restricted due to same condition since 2016. A few weeks ago DVLA wrote to say...
I have applied to renew my driving licence online and received an email from the DVLA confirming receipt and promising to reply. I have heard nothing since and my licence expires shortly, can I continue...