Ford Fiesta (2000 - 2002)
Fiesta Fun
Needed a cheap run around. And noticed most students seem to have a ford fiesta. I am a young driver and wanted something basic, simple and fun.
I brought the car back in July when I needed a replacement as my old car was costing a lot to run.
The car was in great condition body work wise with no rust!! with a mileage of 49000 low mileage for a 12 year old car.
At first I had to spend out abit on her as she been standing around for quite awhile. But worth every penny!! She runs fantastic and is fun to zoom up the motor way but also ideal for local short journeys. Is fantastic on petrol! 50 miles to gallon! Parts are easy to get and very cheap. Ideal if you are on a budget or just need a car for everyday, highly recommend .I will keep mine for as long as she will last ! Mines a 1.3 push rod. 2 door.