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Revoked driving license - aspire4857
i am in the motor trade which is a family business and i am a named driver on my Dads motor trade insurance policy for motor trade purpose

i am in Essex and was driving a car which my dad was the owner and was stopped by a motorcycle police officer (i believe this was because the car showed as uninsured as it had not been entered on the MID register as he had bought the car less than 14 days prior and had not done this yet)

after the officer done his checks i was informed that my license had been revoked by the DVLA in 2009! this knocked me for six as i had no idea

he arrested me for no insurance and driving license and told me that the car would be seized, i explained to him that i had no idea of this and who i was and i was not someone abusing the law but he said he did not believe me and accused me of various things and basically was a total b******, i asked if my dad could come straight away and collect the car but he told me that the essex police policy was to seize and that was that,

i have never received any letters from the dvla about my license, when i phoned them the next day they said they would have sent 3 letters out and they may have been lost in the post...lol.

i posted my license back to dvla and after 9 days they inform me i have a clean license and i can drive again

i am now waiting for my court summons

Revoked driving license - dacouch

What purpose were you driving the car for eg Social etc

Revoked driving license - aspire4857
i was driving for business

i spoke to the insurance broker today and they have removed me from the policy for giving false information when the policy was started, as i told them i had a full license, i explained to them the situation but they didnt seem interested and made me feel like a criminal.
Revoked driving license - FP

I don't want to appear awkward, but I don't understand.

Did you have a full licence when you took out insurance - or not?

If you did you're in the clear; if not, you're bang to rights.

Revoked driving license - Avant

It looks as if the OP genuinely thought so: if this is the case, one might expect a broker (even if not an insurance company) to be more sympathetic.

Aspire, do you have any idea why your licence might have been revoked in 2009?

Edited by Avant on 23/07/2012 at 23:06

Revoked driving license - aspire4857

it turns out that i had points after an offence in 2008 and failed to send my license in for points and was revoked in 2009, i have no recall of this and have never had any letters from dvla or courts/police to this effect.

i have spoke to dvla and courts and have arranged a meeting with them tomorrow, i have proof of my insurance which i had in 2007-2008 to prove i had insurance,

my aim is to go to court with my special circumstances and have the revoke lifted or voided so it will cancel out my latest offence and the courts should drop the charges....pigs could fly....

i will let you know what happens for anyone in the same situation as me