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Citroen ZX 1.9 Diesel - Citroen zx, grumbling noise at low speed. - CJ452

Recently the car has exibited a grumbling drone at speeds below 30mph and only when coasting or as the car slows when turning. I have noticed that the noise is affected by steering and seemed to be coming from the offside.

Remembering that I had done the o/s wheel bearing about 18 months ago I thought it might be the o/s outer CV joint. I bought one and fitted it and also renewed the wheel bearing just in case. Driving the car, The noise is still there although very much reduced by at least 75%.

Now at the same time that I replaced the CV joint , I checked the gearbox oil level and found it needed 1ltr before the oil started to drip out. Now I'm worried.

I've jacked up the front and rotated each wheel and all I feel is smooth rotation. I started the car and put it in second gear and let the wheels rotate and crawled underneath to listen to any sounds (precautions duly taken) using a rod attached to a stethascope I checked both wheel bearings and the intermediate bearing for any noise, I also probed around the diff area but I cant find anything that sounds iffy.

I decided to pay attention to the n/s and check the cv joints, the outer boot has a split near the small end but still a fair amount of grease there. As I was rotating the near-side wheel by hand repacking grease in the outer CV I noticed a clicking noise coming from near the n/s inner joint. I opened the inner boot but plenty of grease.

I kept rotating the wheel listening for the regular clink clink clink and as the wheel stops the last clink always ends with a slight ring to it. I grabbed the driveshaft to see if there was any play and as I turned the wheel I could definately feel a vibration in sync with the clinking.

Trouble is I'm all booked for a holiday next week, a 300 mile round trip.

Any idea's? Could it be something that's going to go bang right away or could I have a 1000 miles to think about it.

Any help appreciated.

Citroen ZX 1.9 Diesel - Citroen zx, grumbling noise at low speed. - Peter.N.

It certainly sounds like the wheel bearing, normally the bearing will grumble more when the weight is on it, i.e. if its the o/s bearing, when you are cornereing to the left, the only other possibility I can think of is the centre bearing on the o/s drive shaft, Worn CV joints make a clicking rather than rumbling noise.

Citroen ZX 1.9 Diesel - Citroen zx, grumbling noise at low speed. - CJ452

Hi, Thanks for replying. I guess the real question is whether I've a diff problem or driveshaft. As I said I replaced the o/s outer CV and wheel bearing and then took it for a test drive. The noise was very much reduced, only just noticable if you listen for it.

When I got back I then started looking elsewhere this was when I checked the gearbox oil level and found it needed 1ltr. Gear changes have always been smooth and no gearstick shaking, apart from this noise the car drives lovely.

Citroen ZX 1.9 Diesel - Citroen zx, grumbling noise at low speed. - Peter.N.

If the noise varies acording to load, depending on which way you are turning, it must be to do with the wheels rather than the diff, the load doesn't change on that. Diff noise is usually a varying pitch whine dependent on the power load and sometimes going or coming on drive or overun.

Citroen ZX 1.9 Diesel - Citroen zx, grumbling noise at low speed. - CJ452

There's no whining at all so not a gear problem. I think I am overly concerned because I found the gearbox oil level low. If we can discount diff bearings then it has to be either the intermediate bearing or inboard CV., I hope.

Citroen ZX 1.9 Diesel - Citroen zx, grumbling noise at low speed. - Peter.N.

If it drives OK I woudn't worry about it.

Citroen ZX 1.9 Diesel - Citroen zx, grumbling noise at low speed. - CJ452

Thanks for your help, I'm feeling much better about it all. I took the car out today and I'm pretty sure it's the intermediate bearing. Between 25 to 40 mph it starts droning, foot on clutch still droning. If I move the steering to the left a bit the droning reduces, moving to the right makes no difference.

Citroen ZX 1.9 Diesel - Citroen zx, grumbling noise at low speed. - CJ452

Just to update and help others, I replaced the o/s driveshaft with a new one. Took the car for a spin and I've still got the noise. Looks like the diff bearings then, this has now got expensive. Why didn't I check the oil level earlier, ho hum.

Citroen ZX 1.9 Diesel - Citroen zx, grumbling noise at low speed. - Peter.N.

I think its more likely to be the wheel bearing again.

Citroen ZX 1.9 Diesel - Citroen zx, grumbling noise at low speed. - CJ452

Just to give a full update on this problem, It ended up being the gearbox differential bearing or crownwheel. I had discovered there was less than a cup full of oil left in the gearbox.

I topped up the gearbox and it's done at least another 1000 miles of short journeys.

I purchased a secondhand gearbox off Ebay (I know...) and have just fitted it.

All was going well until I noticed when putting the nearside driveshaft back in complete with new oilseal that it didn't seem to go in as far as in the old gearbox.

I had made sure I pushed it fully in until I heard the ding as it met the stop. Looking at the driveshaft oilseal there is still about 5mm of shiny shaft showing.

I got the car fixed up and took for a test drive and as sure as eggs when I inspected the oilseal it was leaking as in a drip every 20 secs or so.

I must explain a bit about the car here, The car was a normally aspirated 1.9D and the previous owner stuck a turbo 1.9d engine in it because the original engine went for a swim on a well flooded road. So it still had a non-turbo gearbox.

I purchased the new gearbox and thought it best to get a turbo gearbox. It was advertised as a ZX1.9TD gearbox from a parts supplier on ebay.

Well as I said I took it for the test drive and it drives ok and I have noticed it is longer legged going up the gears which was as expected.

I've removed the driveshaft again and measured it up with the old gearbox and there is a noticeable difference in regards to where the shaft seal shoulder stops.

I surmise that the oilseal lip is just bearing on the shamfer on the edge of the seal shoulder on the shaft.

Anyway to cut a short story long, The only problem I've got is the seal leaks so I fashioned up a 2mm spacer ring on the lathe to go behind the oilseal. I'm hoping this will allow the seal to do it's job, I shall see in the morning.

Dont you just love cars..

Citroen ZX 1.9 Diesel - Citroen zx, grumbling noise at low speed. - Peter.N.

Glad you got it sorted anyway, those gearboxes are normally very reliable - but they are not of course designed to be run without oil! The turbo engine and gearbox are a much better set up, you will probably find it uses less fuel to.