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98 electrical problems - hamsterdangler
There are two minor but annoying electrical problems on my wife's 306. The interior lights do not work when opening the drivers door but do with the n/s door. The door switch is not one where it shorts the power to earth but there should be two wires but there is only one on that side. I have tried hard to find a detached cable in the body space without any luck. The switch on the drivers side has two wires connected but the hole in the body is too small to withdraw the switch without removing at least one of the wires so reconnecting could be a problem. I thought of running an extra cable from the fuse box but I don't know which place to connect it to. I am worried I will have to remove all of the dash to get to the back of the switch. The other problem is an annoying intermittent buzz coming from the direction indicator relay, I have changed the relay for a new one and of a different make but the buzzing continues. If you turn on the indicator or hazard switch the buzzing stops (all indicators work fine) but a short while after the indicators are turned off it may resume again, could it be a fault with the fuse box itself? Constructive suggestions very much appreciated.
Regards, Michael

Edited by Pugugly {P} on 06/01/2008 at 00:54

98 electrical problems - elekie&a/c doctor
The easiest solution to the interior light problem is to attach another wire into the pass door pin switch and connect it to the drivers door switch.The only downside to this is that the "lights on " buzzer will not work.As for the noise from the indicator relay ,this is caused by a fault within the indicator stalk switch.Cheap and easy to replace.hth
98 electrical problems - hamsterdangler
Thank you elekie&a/c doctor. The indicator switch should be an easy fix, however the interior light may be more of a problem. To connect the cable you mentioned sounds like a good idea with the exception that access to the interior of the 'A' panel is very difficult without the removal of the dash and I cannot remove the passenger door switch with the cables to add another cable because the hole in the steel is too small for both cable connectors to pass through and I could end up losing one of those cables as well. I suppose I am going to have to bite the bullet and remove the dash to get to the inside the 'A' panels, hopefully if I do I might locate the missing cable. Very helpful about the indicator relay, we did get some smoke from the switch at one time and I did hope that the car would go up in flames and we could have claimed on the insurance and bought a non French car instead.
Regards, Michael
98 electrical problems - gary923
I had the same problem with my drivers side light switch today! (Peugeot 306 d turbo 1997). After removing the switch and losing the supply cable somewhere in the bodywork, then fiddling with a pair of tweezers for 30 minutes, I finally gave up! What is the easiest way to get into the body space to retrieve the cable? Many Thanks, Gary.
98 electrical problems - thomp1983
remove the trim at the bottom of the a post, remove the deadning then you can reach up into the space. also if you pull out the square black grommet for the door wiring you can get a couple fingers in


Edited by Pugugly {P} on 06/01/2008 at 18:46