hears abit of interesting news thats sounds insane but it most definatly true, do you actually need a lisence to drive a car ? anwser NO ! the only thing you need is your competency certificate. every1 thinks im mad but this might help all the persons uncover the deception from the crown co-orperation, your only subject to the crown co-operations rules and regulations if your actually working in a fuction of goverment i.e working thought your unconsented title 'mr' the lisence and your title were only given to you as a 'just incase you decide to want to work for the goverment thought that title', however they assum you always are and have delevoped techiques to make you consent to the regulations and fool us, its a choice, if you work for them you get somthing called benefites and prividges, if you dont you get inherant rights, basically the deception is theyve brillantly made everyone believe they are working for them at all times and subject to there fines and levys, oh and 1 last thing ( mr john doe ) is not ( john doe) not judge has ever rebut what ive stated and if its not rebut its stands as the truth :) enjoy
Why do the spammers post this total load of b0110cks.
And they cannot even be bothered to use paragrahs and spool correctly.
Perhaps we should have a "muppet" button on the forum in which we can enter such posts.
Edited by skidpan on 18/11/2014 at 17:12