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Dealer Messing Me About - Dirk
Hi Everyone,

Hoping someone can advise me what I can do in this situation.

First off, due to previous financial ?indiscretions? whilst self employed, I?m restricted to what the industry appears to call ?sub-prime? lenders.

Through one of these, I was able to locate a car within budget, that they were happy to lend on.

At first viewing, I put down a deposit on the car and sat in the dealership while the finance was arranged and agreed. I signed the paperwork which was faxed back, and I arranged to come back about 6 days later to collect it.

On the day I was due to collect it, they called delaying me because the finance company were dragging their heels. They ended up cancelling and putting me off until the following day.

To cut a long story short, since then both the dealership and their finance department have strung me along for just over a week, giving me different excuses each time.

First it was that the finance company had requested a HPI check on my part-ex, which was then carried out (despite me already being billed for this) by the dealer and faxed to their finance department, and then on to the finance company

When I called the next day, they claimed to have not received it from the dealer, so more delay. Next excuse was that the HPI was for the wrong vehicle, which in the same conversation was changed to ?it wasn?t sent on the right headed paper?

In between this, the dealer has been adamant they are merely waiting for the finances to be transferred (I?ve heard this at least 3 times from both the finance department and the dealer) because with ?sub-prime? lenders, it takes longer, and the dealer needs to see the funds

So here we are, 2 and a bit weeks after handing over a deposit, for a car that is sitting on their forecourt, and still waiting to collect it. Last I spoke to them was Monday, whereupon they told me they were frustrated, but??yes, waiting for the funds to hit their account.

So basically I?m sick of being misled and messed around, they?ve each contradicted each other, and it feels like I?m being scammed, if it weren?t for the fact the dealership is a large nationwide network or somewhat reputable origins.

Does anyone know why they?d deliberately delay? Assuming they aren?t in fact utterly incompetent, which is what I think. Are they hoping I give up and forfeit the deposit? Do they like to keep the money in their account for a week?

And also, tomorrow I?m going to call and give them 24 hours to have the car ready for collection, or I will cancel the agreement.

Would this count as a non-cancellable agreement, and would I be entitled to my deposit back? (£250)

I?m quite prepared to take them to the small claims court if necessary
Dealer Messing Me About - Avant
From what you say it looks like the fault of the finance company rather than the dealer. Ask the finance co.whether they have transferred the funds to the dealer: if so ask for written evidence, and if not ask why not.

Unless I'm missing something, the dealer has behaved normally but the finance co. has dragged its heels throughout.
Dealer Messing Me About - Armitage Shanks {p}
If you are party to an agreement re the purchase of a car and a delivery date is not specefied as an element of it I think you are stuck. The dealer has the car, you want it and he wants the money. You are raising money from a finanace company, of your choice(?) so your finance company is the problem.