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will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - _

Youngrovergirl and myself have been invited and have booked our booster jabs.

I'll see what reaction I have this time..

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - sammy1

Some medics think that if you have a different booster from your originals you will have stronger and more antibodies. I will be having the booster but not sure about the flu one if at the same time. Only a sore arm with the original jabs.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Lee Power

My mum had an invite from the GP surgery for the Covid booster jab this morning, she is booked in for later this week.

She has already had her flu jab.

Edited by Lee Power on 21/09/2021 at 14:26

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Ethan Edwards

Booked my annual flu jab already. Very happy to get a booster on the old convids as and when requested . Prefer the traditional AZ rather than the new mRNA stuff but hey ho.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - _

Due to the severe reaction I had to the 2nd shot of vaccine,( I had Pfizer both times) I have been strongly advised not to have a booster of the Pfizer vaccine.

My GP knew that I had had a severe reaction as I sent the notes after the ambulance came for me and wanted to take me to hospital.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - badbusdriver

My wife undoubtably will get offered a booster and she will take it. Same for my parents (both in their 70's). I may get offered too on account of taking diabetes medication and if so. I'll definitely be taking it.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - _

I would have had the booster, but Doctor advised strongly not to in case of anaphylactic reaction,

has suggested getting moderna as third shot/booster.

Will have an antibody test shortly to see how things are.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - paul 1963

I'm due my booster jab in December, no reaction to the previous shots, had my flu jab last week, felt a little under the weather next day ....

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - FP

SWMBO and I had our flu jabs from a local pharmacy in September, before our doctor's surgery got round to offering it.

Being older than her, I had my booster (Pfizer, like the first two vaccinations - though it's called Comirnaty now) last Thursday at a different pharmacy, the day after my invitation, which I received this time by e-mail. It was six months to the day after I received my second vaccination.

Each time I had a slight soreness in the injected arm which started in the evening, was hardly noticeable the next day and had disappeared the day after. After the latest jab, however, I felt very tired indeed in the evenings for a couple of days after.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - primus 1

Had my Covid booster last Monday and my flu jab yesterday

no side effects so far…..awooooooo

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Falkirk Bairn

I had 2 jabs yesterday (Covid Booster & Flu) as did SWMBO.

Both of us have a sore ish left arm (Covid Booster), right arm tender (Flu) when touched but no real bother.

We were told about raised temperatures, pains, headaches etc etc but the 3rd jab is no different than the 1&2 .

We were told to go to a centre 15 miles away rather than 2 miles away as per Jabs 1&2. Lots of people complained/cancelled and were given dates in the future. We knew nothing about cancelling etc until Monday night - clinic was empty.

15 minute wait after the jabs and there were just 3 of us in the escape room. Staff standing around with not a lot to do. I got a chorus of "Happy Birthday" from roughly 6 nurses after giving my DoB at reception.

Nipped off for a birthday lunch with other family members - enjoyed the food & company.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - catsdad

My six months after the second shot is up on Saturday. Reading about COVID Passports I decided to check my online record. My second jab is not listed. I did get a call a few months back from some central NHS place urging me to take up my second jab but I told them I had already had it and they said that was OK. They did not say my online record was not up to date.

I called my surgery who checked my record and confirmed the second jab is not listed but they can’t update it. They referred me to 119.

I suspect the error is because the vax centre I went to used a paper form to record all my base data and then transcribed it into a system rather than use the existing database. They must have made a mistake. The centre my wife went to had a totally online process on the day. Anyway I am not alone as there is a national back office set up to deal with missing data. You dial 119 and give an operator all your details (again) then they pass it on to someone else who will call me back within 5 working days.

Some errors are inevitable when you are doing millions of jabs but putting it right seems a bit clunky. I wonder if the call back will accept the manually issued card and update my records in real time or if some more formal process will need to be followed.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - bathtub tom

Had mine this morning, SWMBO is CEV. Had it as soon as I could under the circumstances. There were queues of us old crumblies waiting and I suspect they'd all booked an appointment like me.

The problem with this planet is it's over-populated. I hoped the pandemic would cull more than it did, despite thinking we'd be amongst them.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - sammy1

Patients with a compromised immunity are being offered a 3rd jab which I am given to understand is the same as their 1&2. The booster is different and is just has it says a top up. I had my booster and another 2 days with a sore arm and I felt it go in! Both my sons and their wives and children have had the Covid within the last 2 weeks. The families have had no contact with each other and think the youngsters brought it home from school. All the parents had been double jabbed and were not badly affected, One grandchild escaped all together despite being in close contact with parents and younger sister.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - bathtub tom

Patients with a compromised immunity are being offered a 3rd jab which I am given to understand is the same as their 1&2. The booster is different and is just has it says a top up.

NO! The vulnerable are having a 'third primary'. SWMBO had two AZs and the third was Pfizer. I also had Pfizer, after two AZs. By calling SWBO's third a primary, it means she can have a booster in six months time.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - sammy1

Patients with a compromised immunity are being offered a 3rd jab which I am given to understand is the same as their 1&2. The booster is different and is just has it says a top up.

NO! The vulnerable are having a 'third primary'. SWMBO had two AZs and the third was Pfizer. I also had Pfizer, after two AZs. By calling SWBO's third a primary, it means she can have a booster in six months time.

Is that not what I said 1&2 are primary and the 3rd is a primary What vaccine they get is up to the clinic, The booster is a lower dose. As far as the vaccines are concerned it is generally agreed that the Pitzer has a longer acting antibody count? I don't think that they have got to the stage where they decide a forth jab is necessary but suspect we will have annual booster or even a full jab like the flu

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Zippy123
Get the jab as soon as you can.

Hospitals are starting to fill up rapidly and I have heard of a couple that are likely to close to new admissions soon.
will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Ethan Edwards

Booked the booster shot for this weekend. Appointments disappearing fast. Booked mine then immediately Booked my wife's (max 5 mins later) only to find that day now unavailable so she's getting the next day.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Engineer Andy
Get the jab as soon as you can. Hospitals are starting to fill up rapidly and I have heard of a couple that are likely to close to new admissions soon.

Now been proven that ITV and Sky News putting out fake News (saying that it is 14x more than last year) on this: hospitalisations due to COVID running currently (and levelling off/dropping, similar for in ICU) at 9k as opposed to 13k the same time last year.

Politics For All quoting official sources from the NHS saying the claims from SKY News and ITV are all bunk. Numbers of positive cases generally may be higher than at the same point in 2020, but not hospitalisations. SKY News subsequently deleted their tweet after getting caught.

One thing to note is that the roll out of flu vaccines at GP surgeries has been very poor.

Edited by Engineer Andy on 08/11/2021 at 14:43

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - bathtub tom
one thing to note is that the roll out of flu vaccines at GP surgeries has been very poor.

Not when I went for mine around a month ago, the place was full of crumblies.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Ethan Edwards

Not when I went for mine around a month ago, the place was full of crumblies.

Yes that was me when I got my flu jab. Y'know it makes me laugh. The antivaxxers think having to have a c19 booster annually is appalling. Outrageous, unheard of. Totally ignoring that people have annual flu shots . It's the same thing.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Bromptonaut

Now been proven that ITV and Sky News putting out fake News (saying that it is 14x more than last year) on this: hospitalisations due to COVID running currently (and levelling off/dropping, similar for in ICU) at 9k as opposed to 13k the same time last year.

What exactly happened? Conspiracy or cock up?

Number on mechanical ventilation is very close to early November last year.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - sammy1

""""Number on mechanical ventilation is very close to early November last year"""

Whatever the number I wonder if any provision has been made in the number of ICU beds available having been caught seriously short at the start. Wales has sent a number of ventilators to help out some African countries.

The new Pitzer antiviral drug which will be given to those seriously ill is said to be 90% effective against you dying. I wonder if the announcement of this will have a bit of a negative as regards the uptake of the Jabs?

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Engineer Andy

Now been proven that ITV and Sky News putting out fake News (saying that it is 14x more than last year) on this: hospitalisations due to COVID running currently (and levelling off/dropping, similar for in ICU) at 9k as opposed to 13k the same time last year.

What exactly happened? Conspiracy or cock up?

Likely conspiracy (SKY News), IMHO - no journo could be that bad at looking up numbers on government websites. My suspicion as regards ITV is that they just parroted the figures Sky gave on their article/tweet, rather like many MSM outlets did (both in the US and in the UK) for the 'Covington kids' story last year, which turned out to be nothing like what the original outlet covered it to be. No word of apology from Sky or ITV News.

Number on mechanical ventilation is very close to early November last year.

Difference is that the numbers are now appearing to be on a downward trend, not the other way around like last year. Notice also that many continental nations are about a month or two behind us with our recent 'peak' (e.g. Germany's is on the way up at the moment), likely because they started/ramped up their vaccination programme that period later.

This (ramping up the programm far ealier) may prove very beneficial as our booster programme for the vulnerable should now cover them for the worst of the winter flu season, wheras across the channel it may come too late, leading to greater pressures on their health systems.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Engineer Andy

Just as an update, it appears that the Head of NHS England was originally talking about Aug '20 and Aug '21 (with two different 'peak and trough' periods) - where the actual figures were very small - and they issued a 'clarification'.

A pity none of the media outlets didn't bother to check the figures, which would've taken (as it did me) all of 1 minute. Funny how they 'fact check' any claims on the other side of the dabte in no time, but don't bother at all when it suits their narrative.


Edited by Engineer Andy on 08/11/2021 at 17:57

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - _

After my extreme reaction to the 2nd Pfizer dose I was advised when I went for my booster not to have it, with the risks of a serious reaction (again)

GP said t***. Nothing to worry about.

When I declined saying i would consider an alternative, put me down as refusing.

I have just received a letter from my GP, following medical advice from a lot of Dr youngrovergirl's colleagues, (cardiologists, ENT, respiratory and immunology ( and a good few others, 14 in all)

I am now eligible for the Astra zeneca vaccine and the GP has now clearly accepted the risks involved with Pfizer and Moderna IN MY CASE.

Not everyone will have my 1 in 10 million reaction, but if you have concerns, talk to your GP.

Get jabbed, but do what is right for you.

Edited by _ORB_ on 25/11/2021 at 14:39

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - focussed
Get the jab as soon as you can. Hospitals are starting to fill up rapidly and I have heard of a couple that are likely to close to new admissions soon.

Now been proven that ITV and Sky News putting out fake News (saying that it is 14x more than last year) on this: hospitalisations due to COVID running currently (and levelling off/dropping, similar for in ICU) at 9k as opposed to 13k the same time last year.

Politics For All quoting official sources from the NHS saying the claims from SKY News and ITV are all bunk. Numbers of positive cases generally may be higher than at the same point in 2020, but not hospitalisations. SKY News subsequently deleted their tweet after getting caught.

One thing to note is that the roll out of flu vaccines at GP surgeries has been very poor.

Our youngest girl is a NHS manager (medically qualified) in a large hospital in Manchester. She reports no large rise in patient intake, but that most covid admissions and ICU in particular are younger people who have not been vaccinated,

We are going for our 3rd Pfizer clotshot today in france at the same vaccination centre in a massive sports centre where we had nos 1+ 2 shots, It closes tonight and moves to a smaller exhibition centre next week. Whether that means there is less infection about is difficult to say - dubious information is rife over here too!

Macron announced yesterday that in order to retain the sanitary pass to access cafes, bars, resto's etc the third shot will be mandatory for us over 65's by December. Many demonstrations will be protesting against that!

Edited by focussed on 10/11/2021 at 10:19

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - focussed

"We are going for our 3rd Pfizer clotshot today in france "

Yes got it done, didn't feel a thing, a slightly bruised arm that's all.

Until this morning, then suddenly - sneezing fits and runny nose which has developed into a stinking head cold, headache etc but no cough - coincidence or reaction?

Don't know - But I've had only one seriously bad head cold since being in France for 12 years.

But don't let that put you off having your boosters chaps!

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Engineer Andy

"We are going for our 3rd Pfizer clotshot today in france "

Yes got it done, didn't feel a thing, a slightly bruised arm that's all.

Until this morning, then suddenly - sneezing fits and runny nose which has developed into a stinking head cold, headache etc but no cough - coincidence or reaction?

Don't know - But I've had only one seriously bad head cold since being in France for 12 years.

But don't let that put you off having your boosters chaps!

To be fair, there has been a nasty cold virus doing the rounds on our side of the Channel, so it could be that.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - focussed

I really don't know - I woke up with a really bad headache this morning, but the rest of the symptoms had gone - weird!

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - _

I really don't know - I woke up with a really bad headache this morning, but the rest of the symptoms had gone - weird!

Lucky you, after the 2nd jab (pfizer) possibly due to the Cytokine storm triggered when I first had Covid, I felt just like when I did have the bug!

Temp over 42, oxygen levels 82% freezing , sweating, aching,.... but currently negotiating for a non Mrna vaccine.

And yes, I'll still have the booster, but either a jab on a monday, so Youngrovergirl can monitor me at home, (She doesn't work tuesdays) or jabbed friday , doesn't do weekends

Edited by _ORB_ on 15/11/2021 at 18:13

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Ethan Edwards

Well the Missus and myself had the Pfizer booster today. Sadly not AZ but that's what they had. So far so good.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - focussed

"We are going for our 3rd Pfizer clotshot today in france "

Yes got it done, didn't feel a thing, a slightly bruised arm that's all.

Until this morning, then suddenly - sneezing fits and runny nose which has developed into a stinking head cold, headache etc but no cough - coincidence or reaction?

Don't know - But I've had only one seriously bad head cold since being in France for 12 years.

But don't let that put you off having your boosters chaps!

To be fair, there has been a nasty cold virus doing the rounds on our side of the Channel, so it could be that.

OH phoned her sister today who works part-time admin in a UK private care home.

She mentioned to her my reaction to the booster, She said that a few of their residents have had exactly the same symptoms as I did the day after the Pfizer booster.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Andrew-T

The problem with this planet is it's over-populated.

Yes, it has been for quite some time now. I suspect the only answer is to wait for a natural event to restore a balance, but it'll need to be a big one. Humans have never been good at limiting themselves voluntarily.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - expat

The problem with this planet is it's over-populated.

Yes, it has been for quite some time now. I suspect the only answer is to wait for a natural event to restore a balance, but it'll need to be a big one. Humans have never been good at limiting themselves voluntarily.

Well actually the birth rate is down in most countries now. Countries like China, Italy, Japan and Korea are well below replacement rate. There are some countries with high birth rates but not many now and they tend to be very poor countries in sub Saharan Africa or parts of the middle east.

This is what is happening in Brazil and it is the same in many other countries:


will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Andrew-T

The problem with this planet is it's over-populated.

Yes, it has been for quite some time now. I suspect the only answer is to wait for a natural event to restore a balance, but it'll need to be a big one. Humans have never been good at limiting themselves voluntarily.

Well actually the birth rate is down in most countries now. Countries like China, Italy, Japan and Korea are well below replacement rate. There are some countries with high birth rates but not many now and they tend to be very poor countries in sub Saharan Africa or parts of the middle east. This is what is happening in Brazil and it is the same in many other countries:

Yes. It should have happened some time ago if it was to avoid the threats we tend to worry about now.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - blindspot

my take is astrazenica might cause blood clotting in association with low platelets.. so nhs are giving all boosters a phizer

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Ethan Edwards

Two previous AZ jabs had no problems. Got to believe a third would have been the same. I did ask but they said all they had was Pfizer. Took what they were offering.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - alan1302

my take is astrazenica might cause blood clotting in association with low platelets.. so nhs are giving all boosters a phizer

They are using the Moderna for boosters as well.

From what I understand they use the Pfizer jab and the Moderna work better than the AZ one as boosters...you can have the AZ as a booster if you can't have the other 2.

Edited by alan1302 on 16/11/2021 at 22:50

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - _

my take is astrazenica might cause blood clotting in association with low platelets.. so nhs are giving all boosters a phizer

They are using the Moderna for boosters as well.

From what I understand they use the Pfizer jab and the Moderna work better than the AZ one as boosters...you can have the AZ as a booster if you can't have the other 2.

Exact, But Currently not available and booster helpline phones not being answered.

Edited by _ORB_ on 17/11/2021 at 05:45

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - sammy1

Did anyone see Ann Widdecombe on Jeremy Vine this morning. Basically she was saying she would get a test from her GP to see if she already had enough antibodies and then decide on the booster. For a start I would not think any responsible GP would allow this and in any case how would anyone determine how many antibodies is enough. It is bad enough persuading some people to have the jab without having this sort of argument on national TV

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Xileno

No but I tend to leave the room if I hear her on the TV. It does seem an odd view, the GPs are busy enough with out this sort of distraction clogging up the system.

I have my booster on the 9th Dec.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Bromptonaut

Did anyone see Ann Widdecombe on Jeremy Vine this morning.

No but she's as mad as a box of frogs. Nothing she says would surprise me.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Engineer Andy

Did anyone see Ann Widdecombe on Jeremy Vine this morning.

No but she's as mad as a box of frogs. Nothing she says would surprise me.

In your opinion.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - galileo

Did anyone see Ann Widdecombe on Jeremy Vine this morning.

No but she's as mad as a box of frogs. Nothing she says would surprise me.

In your opinion.

As it is fashionable to feel outraged or offended on behalf of a third party, I protest at the slur on the mental health of frogs (or, indeed, any other harmless amphibians).

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Bromptonaut

In your opinion.

Do you honestly believe she was ever a serious and rational politician?

Although the phrase 'something of the night' applied to Michael Howard was inspired.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - _

Anne Widdecombe got it right in my opinion. HER opinion for her.

I had 2 Pfizer jabs. Severe near lethal reaction to 2nd jab. When I went for booster, advised against. GP initially said I should have one or would put me down as refusing.

Paid privately for TITER test which shows >2500 u/ ml of antibodies.

Those are my circumstances, based on about 14 medical specialists (colleagues of Dr youngrovergirl) who unanimously advise against a pfizer booster.

GP now accepts that due to the combination of severe Covid and reactions to Pfizer jabs I can have the Astra zeneca jab as a booster.

When I can get one, I will, but in between times will wear a mask when shopping etc.

Edited by _ORB_ on 18/11/2021 at 08:12

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - thunderbird

When I can get one, I will, but in between times will wear a mask when shopping etc.

Wife has had 2 Pfizers and a Pfizer booster a couple of weeks ago. I had 2 Astra Zenecas and get my booster Saturday, assume it will be Pfizer.

But we have continued to wear masks indoors in public places and will continue to do so. As spectacle wearers its a pain with condensation especially this time of year but why take risks.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - catsdad

I had Astra Zeneca for my first two. My booster was Moderna. Apparently they had changed that day from using Pfizer. I guess it’s the luck of the draw but anyone who needs a particular jab might be best to call ahead before making a special journey.

For the booster the medic who did the pre-checks advised me about the potential rare risks for young men’s hearts from the Moderna……….. I am 66 years of age but was masked up!

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - sammy1


I had 2 Pfizer jabs. Severe near lethal reaction to 2nd jab. When I went for booster, advised against. GP initially said I should have one or would put me down as refusing.

Paid privately for TITER test which shows >2500 u/ ml of antibodies"""

Watching Anne W I believe she was generalising and she did not mention a specific like ORB. If everyone stopped for an antibody count we would be in the do da. As good as our medics are how can they tell if someone has enough antibodies as they seem to decline hence the booster. There must be a concern about too many antibodies also as they are careful to wait 6months before giving you a booster... Quite how they will work out the timing of next years jab will be interesting.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - bathtub tom

I know someone who is Clinically Extremely Vulnerable. They had two AZs followed by a Pfizer third primary (means they can get a booster after six months).

The first two lead to a feeling of 'grot' and loss of appetite for twelve hours, the third put them in bed for half-a -day and zonked them out for the remainder. I had the same and had the same results from the AZ and nothing, other than a bruised arm feeling from the third Pfizer.

I guess we're all different, but I don't know what the after effects of coronavirus are other than I've been to a couple of funerals because of it.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - FP

SWMBO had her booster yesterday - Pfizer/Comirnaty; her first two jabs were AZ. Felt sort of OK for the rest of the day, but today has a sore throat, brain fog etc. and has slept a good deal of the time.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - alan1302

Quite how they will work out the timing of next years jab will be interesting.

I think they will be around September time (and be offered with the flu jab to eligible people).

Although I expect it will depend on how many cases/deaths/hospitalisations happen over the winter period.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - _

Had my Astra Zeneca booster this morning, took 2 paracetamol beforehand, and so far so good.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - thunderbird

Had my Pfizer booster Saturday morning, first 2 were Astra Zeneca. Arm slightly sore at the injection site on Sunday morning when I got up and I had a slight headache. 2 Neurofen and all was well.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - John F

In your opinion.

Do you honestly believe she was ever a serious and rational politician?

No. She was (still is?) an opinionated staunch catholic spinster with little experience of family life and human relationships and no scientific educational background which is useful for the development of rational thought, assuming such capability pre-exists.

Although the phrase 'something of the night' applied to Michael Howard was inspired.

Inspired? It was just a spiteful snide piece of ad hominem nastiness, all the more unforgivable coming from a supposedly senior responsible politician. And to think she thought she might lead the country one day!!!

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - groaver

Pfizer booster yesterday.

My arm feels as though it has went 12 rounds with Mike Tyson.

Slight headache but so far nothing more.??

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - alan1302

Just a sore arm from my Pfizer one.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Ethan Edwards

Yep me too. Like someone had mildly punched me in the arm. I suppose the next booster will be in May 22.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - sammy1

I am reading today that the O variant had mutated in Nigeria sometime in October. You would think that our health authorities main job would be looking for any variations in the virus or at best communicating with the rest of the world. Either the doctor in South Africa leaked the O discovery or we new the fact and now we seem to have another big push to vaccinate. The SA doctor says the infection is mild but there still seems to be an air of panic. I am having difficulty understanding the situation other than here we go again!

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Xileno

I had my booster today (Moderna), previously two jabs of AZ. Apart from a sore arm seem ok so far. I had a sore arm with the flu jab last month.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Ethan Edwards


Man gets boosters under assumed identities so that anti vaxxers can claim to be vaccinated. Lord knows people's ingenuity and rank stupidity. All there in the one story.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - sammy1

Just how much are those trips to outer space as this seems to be the only way to get away from all this. Totally fed up with all the experts and daily figures on the news. Latest is that someone has sadly died with O. What they don't or won't say is what else they were suffering from or were they perfectly heathy before. Also information on their vaccine status would be helpful or is this asking too much. After some 21 months things are not looking good and we will soon all look like pin cushions. There also seems to be no fresh mention of the anti viral drugs that the heath people were saying was another line of defence.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - nick62

Unconfirmed reports the patient who died was 91 with heart problems, other than that they sadly had their whole life ahead of them snatched away by O.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - misar

Reading forum views about Covid convinces me that there are still people around who will only believe it is a serious threat when it kills them.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - alan1302

There also seems to be no fresh mention of the anti viral drugs that the heath people were saying was another line of defence.

Seems to be plenty here:

antiviral drugs covid 19 uk - Google Search

Often reading about new ones in the news and ones that are being approved for use.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - daveyjp

Friend signed up for her booster as soon as the three month rule came in. She received her appointment, turned up last week 4.5 months since her second jab and was turned away.

They were administering Moderna which isn't approved for less than 6 months gap. No mention of this during the booking.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - thunderbird

Friend signed up for her booster as soon as the three month rule came in. She received her appointment, turned up last week 4.5 months since her second jab and was turned away.

They were administering Moderna which isn't approved for less than 6 months gap. No mention of this during the booking.

Another perfect example of a Boris blunder.

I had my booster mid November but could only have it 6 months after my 2nd jab. Shortly after they changed it to 3 months after the 2nd jab but obviously never thought to consider which jabs have which approvals.

With Sundays announcement of a booster for everyone before the end of December how many people are going to find out they are not eligible when they either try to book or turn up.

Some people will now be trying to get their first jab having ignored earlier campaigns but have now taken notice of the increased risk. Surely they cannot be given 3 jabs in 2 and a bit weeks.

There needs to be clearer guidelines from Boris rather than simply turning up on TV and trying to divert attention from his previous blunders.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - paul 1963

Had my booster last week, nothing apart from a mildly sore arm but thats to be expected.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Falkirk Bairn

Last Tuesday a son and DiL had their 3rd jabs.

On Wednesday their 12 year old had symptoms & PCR was positive. She is fine with only mild symptoms - she has had 1 jab as directed for 12-15s.

Everyone else including my wife & I (3 Jabs) were negative - we had her on the Monday for tea and I saw her on the Tuesday for tutoring

Phone call today that my son is showing +ve on LFT. Going for PCR today.

A bit of bad luck /timing for him..

It's 10 days inside for all 4 in the house.

Looks like I will be the chief shopper, dog walker etc for everyone for the next 10 days.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Chris M

Had my winter booster (Moderna) and flu jab this morning. No side effects yet and not expecting anything serious as all I had previously was a slightly sore arm.

Although only a tender 62, I do volunteer as a Vaccination Steward and as I was passing the pharmacy this morning I stopped for a chat. Pharmacist said I could get the jab now as I'm "front line".

I was thinking take-up this time round would be lower however this wasn't bourne out by today's turnout. Just wondering whether Backroomers are going to avail themselves this winter or do you feel Covid is yesterday's news and it hasn't got you yet?

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - bathtub tom

Of course I will! SWMBO is CEV(Clinically Extremely Vulnerable) and she will soon have her sixth vaccination.We both managed to avoid covid until March this year and I certainly don't want it again. It's not as bad as flu, but runs it a close second.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - FP

I shall be going for my fifth on Saturday.

I had covid in January and started having some of the symptoms again in July, which have still not cleared; my GP thinks I now have long covid.

I really, really don't want to get covid again.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Xileno

It's the possibility of long covid that concerns me, rather than the initial hit of the illness. I will definitely be having my booster when I get the call.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Chris M

As a steward, something I've noticed is the older generations wait to be called and quite a high proportion won't get jabbed until their GP says so. Many aren't internet savvy but if you book via the NHS app, if you fall into the current cohort, it will let you book and if not, it won't.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - expat

My wife and I are older generation and we get vaccinated as soon as it is released. Currently 4 shots here in Australia. We both got Covid 3 weeks ago but took the anti virals and it cleared up really fast. I noticed a major improvement within about 3 hours of taking the anti viral which amazed me. I have never had medicine which acted so fast and so well.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - edlithgow

No. I won't

I had Moderna 1+2 pretty early, being in a priority group, but I doubt the risks of Omicron justify continuing experimental treatments.

To quote my consultant ""Omicron is the best immunity""

He is a neurologist though

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - groaver

Yep. Had my flu and moderna yesterday.

Sore arms are a small price to pay.

I've even got a new dose of tracking device installed by the kind nurses....

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Andrew-T

Youngrovergirl and myself have been invited and have booked our booster jabs. I'll see what reaction I have this time..

Had mine last week - no reaction at all, rather like the earlier ones. I keep wondering whether I've had a placebo ....

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - FP

SWMBO and I are due for flu jabs this afternoon at the local Boots - sooner than waiting for the GP surgery to get their act together. For the last few years we've managed to get jabbed in the middle of September.

My covid jab was postponed from last Saturday and is now due this Saturday.

I'm very happy to take advantage of anything that will potentially preserve my health. I accept that the covid vaccine is safe and effective. Myths such as the vaccine being experimental, containing microchips, altering your DNA, causing disease or even death, etc., etc. are just that - myths propagated by ignorant people with an agenda.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - edlithgow

Perhaps "experimental" was the wrong word to use.

I could have said novel (first use of mRNA vaccine) emergency-use-only-fast-track-approved=treatment-for-deployment-on-an-unprecedented scale, but "experimental" is more succinct..

It does seem to have been a successful not-experiment so far, (VERY successful commercially) and I didn't get a very severe reaction to the first two.

However, my feeling was (and is) that, as the virus evolves towards a lower threat form, it didn't justify continuing to play catch up by staying "Up to date" with endless boosters. As I understand it these are still targeting variants of the spike protein, so give.fairly narrow-spectrum immunity.

A real infection would give me wider spectrum immunity. Of course if it also killed me I'd look pretty silly, but many Omicron infections are completely asymptomatic.

My agenda here was simply to answer the question in the title, almost as clear an agenda as that of the pharmaceutical companies .

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Ethan Edwards

Flu jab booked for the 15th Oct, Covid booster booked 8th Oct. That'll be the 4th covid jab. Still all OK.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - paul 1963

Flu jab next week, covid top up next month...

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Chris M

One week on and apart from a very slight tenderness at the actual jab site for a couple of days, no reaction at all. Vaccine was the Moderna Spikevax. I've had 2x AZ and the Pfizer booster last year. Only the Pfizer caused me a mild reaction with the feeling I was coming down with a cold, but it only lasted a few days. No regrets.

No reaction to the flu jab in the other arm either. Wife had both hers last Friday and all okay too.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - misar

I could have said novel (first use of mRNA vaccine) emergency-use-only-fast-track-approved=treatment-for-deployment-on-an-unprecedented scale,

It does seem to have been a successful not-experiment so far, (VERY successful commercially)

as the virus evolves towards a lower threat form,

these are still targeting variants of the spike protein, so give.fairly narrow-spectrum immunity.

A real infection would give me wider spectrum immunity. .

Reading your post leaves me with the impression that you arrived at a conclusion on the booster for reasons which even you cannot fully understand and are seeking reassurance by mining the wide variety of "facts" now in circulation.

I have highlighted some of your reassuring "facts" where a few minutes investigation will reveal opposite points of view. I am not claiming which views are correct and as the saying goes: You pays yer money and you takes yer choice (Punch, 1846). Only this time around you could be paying with your health or your life.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Andrew-T

<< Only this time around you could be paying with your health or your life.>>

Yes, well. I am about to have an ankle replaced, and preliminary examination led to a report recommending the op, going on to list all the possible ways it might go wrong, ending with death. I have decided to accept those risks, and am equally relaxed about the covid jab I had a week ago. Stats accumulated since the start of the pandemic suggest that covid is a threat roughly similar to good old flu (which is how I saw it soon after it began, with some disapproval on this forum).

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - edlithgow

"Reading your post leaves me with the impression that you arrived at a conclusion on the booster for reasons which even you cannot fully understand and are seeking reassurance by mining the wide variety of "facts" now in circulation."

Well of course. Which of us can do more?

This is complex stuff, and I don't have any special qualifications in this area.

(Unless you count a (2nd class) Distinction in Population Genetics from Edinburgh University, in the Third Quarter of the 20th Century.)

Edited by edlithgow on 22/09/2022 at 07:27

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - edlithgow

Myths such as the vaccine being experimental, containing microchips, altering your DNA, causing disease or even death, etc., etc. are just that - myths propagated by ignorant people with an agenda.

Surely some mistake?

I'd doubt even the most gung ho Jab-Jihadist government or pharma spokesperson would claim covid jabs have caused NO deaths. Given the scale and targetting of these programs, this would be surprising to the point of implausability. The plausible pitch, as usual, is they save more than they kill

Anecdotally, my GF’s grandfather died 3 days after his jab (AstraZeneca I think). But he was in his 70’s, so whaddyagonnado?

Well, you do sophisticated statistics on all the dead grandfathers, I suppose, but you need good data for that.

The "Yellow Card" system for adverse side effects monitoring is well known to under report. Nevertheless, several low frequency fatal syndromes have been identified.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - galileo

Ed, I have been reading a book* (by John Emsley, respected writer on chemistry) which gives the history of poisoning.

Elements discussed are mercury, a*r*senic, antimony and lead, both used intentionally by humans and consumed due to environmental factors.

Of particular interest to yourself may be the a*r*senic content of drinking water in places such as Taiwan, Mexico, Finland and several others.

It reports a study in the 1960s which showed that in one region of Taiwan, 10% of people over 60 had cancers, mainly of the skin, where drinking water in the region was 500ppb, (other areas had 600 and 800 ppb)

Tube wells drilled to provide clean water in Bengal and Bangladesh had the unforeseen consequence of exposing 70 million people to a***nic poisoning because the water was not initially tested for a***nic, which was up to 4000ppb.

You are probably aware of this by virtue of your qualifications, I found it an interesting addition to such chemical knowledge I remember from student days.

*The Elements of Murder

Edited by galileo on 22/09/2022 at 11:51

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - edlithgow

Ed, I have been reading a book* (by John Emsley, respected writer on chemistry) which gives the history of poisoning.

Elements discussed are mercury, a*r*senic, antimony and lead, both used intentionally by humans and consumed due to environmental factors.

Of particular interest to yourself may be the a*r*senic content of drinking water in places such as Taiwan, Mexico, Finland and several others.

It reports a study in the 1960s which showed that in one region of Taiwan, 10% of people over 60 had cancers, mainly of the skin, where drinking water in the region was 500ppb, (other areas had 600 and 800 ppb)

Tube wells drilled to provide clean water in Bengal and Bangladesh had the unforeseen consequence of exposing 70 million people to a***nic poisoning because the water was not initially tested for a***nic, which was up to 4000ppb.

You are probably aware of this by virtue of your qualifications, I found it an interesting addition to such chemical knowledge I remember from student days.

*The Elements of Murder

I had heard of those issues in general terms, but I havn't tried to get my local water supply checked, though I dont think its from an artesian source.

Few people drink tap water directly here, either buying bottled or via a water dispensing machine, which have resin and activated charcoal filters.

'I'm embarrassed to admit that I dont actually know how effective these are. I'll have to stop sneering at the local unawareness/denial of the chronic winter air pollution (my main concern) until I've checked that out a bit.

The power of denial

There are also areas where the soil is contaminated with dioxin, and where the fish farms have been closed down, though I'll bet there's still some fishing going on.

The local river holds heavy metal records due to PCB metal recycling, but you see people fishing in it. A researcher here approached some of these people and warned them that fish sampled were heavily contaminated.

"Oh no problem"ses they. ""We don't eat them"

"Oh so you just catch and release for sport?" ses the whitecoat

"Of course not" ses they. "We sell them"

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - misar

I'd doubt even the most gung ho Jab-Jihadist government or pharma spokesperson would claim covid jabs have caused NO deaths. Given the scale and targetting of these programs, this would be surprising to the point of implausability. The plausible pitch, as usual, is they save more than they kill

Still following the same pattern of seeking reassurance for your decision.

The reality is that everything we do and use in life carries some risk of possible illness, injury or death. So you if you wish you can likewise find reassurance for a decision to avoid or forego anything.

Sadly the highest degree of risk is attached to the one activity that none of us could avoid. Being born carries a 100% risk of death.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - edlithgow

I'd doubt even the most gung ho Jab-Jihadist government or pharma spokesperson would claim covid jabs have caused NO deaths. Given the scale and targetting of these programs, this would be surprising to the point of implausability. The plausible pitch, as usual, is they save more than they kill

Still following the same pattern of seeking reassurance for your decision.

Nope, I was responding to a post which suggested that vaccine deaths are a myth, because it was too clearly at variance with known facts and plausabiility to go unchallenged.

The associated implication that I was "ignorant with an agenda" I left alone, because its true, though everything is relative.

But, suppose I was "seeking reassurance for my decision"? So what?

I'm actually fairly comfortable with my decision, thoughof course I'm prepared to reconsider it if I become aware of convincing counter-evidence.

The worrying possibility associated with this program is not, I'd suggest, immediate vaccine deaths, but an increase in predisposition to chronic non-fatal conditions such as autoimmune diseases like arthritis. This might never be detected (especially if one didn't want to look) but, given the huge scale of the deployment, a tiny effect would greatly increase the sum total of misery.

If I was responsible for this program (if anyone is, and thank the lord I'm not sir) that would keep me awake at night.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - misar

The worrying possibility associated with this program is not, I'd suggest, immediate vaccine deaths, but an increase in predisposition to chronic non-fatal conditions such as autoimmune diseases like arthritis. This might never be detected (especially if one didn't want to look) but, given the huge scale of the deployment, a tiny effect would greatly increase the sum total of misery.

If I was responsible for this program (if anyone is, and thank the lord I'm not sir) that would keep me awake at night.

You seem unable to accept that, given your vaccine worry, logic says you should therefore be even more concerned about daily aspects of your life which carry known risks. Do you use electricity or gas or fires, cross roads, drive a car, travel on planes? Or is your entire life governed by the need to avoid every possible risk? None of those examples is unavoidable if risk bothers you.

Closer to your vaccine concern, are you self-sufficient in food production? Otherwise almost everything you eat or drink will contain or have been treated with or have come into contact with chemicals developed in the last 50 or so years. Their immediate risk is low (except perhaps for those with an allergy problem) but nobody can give you an absolute guarantee that there is no possibility of an "increase in predisposition to chronic non-fatal conditions".

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - edlithgow

The worrying possibility associated with this program is not, I'd suggest, immediate vaccine deaths, but an increase in predisposition to chronic non-fatal conditions such as autoimmune diseases like arthritis. This might never be detected (especially if one didn't want to look) but, given the huge scale of the deployment, a tiny effect would greatly increase the sum total of misery.

If I was responsible for this program (if anyone is, and thank the lord I'm not sir) that would keep me awake at night.

You seem unable to accept that, given your vaccine worry, logic says you should therefore be even more concerned about daily aspects of your life which carry known risks.

Thats right.

Fair cop, guvnor, but society is to blame.

I'm unable to accept it because it doesn't make any sense.

Cue Illustrative anecdote.

Sometime in the mid seventies I was in an RE Explosive Ordnance Disposal Squadron at Shoeburyness, clearing the site of London’s prospective 3rd airport, which had a lot of stuff due to containing some artillery proving ranges, plus a Luftwaffe contribution, sea mines from both sides, USAAF abort dropping ground, rubber coated beach mines etc, etc.

I remember being in a meeting between the Army and civilian workers, in which the latter were threatening industrial action in support of a claim for hazardous duty allowance.

Army Spokesman: “This work is safer than than crossing the road” (Such an apparently absurd claim would be a lot more plausible in Taiwan).

Bolshie Civvie: “I don’t believe you, but even if it is, we have to cross the road as well

All these comparative statements designed to talk down risk, (very popular to talk about clinical X-rays where accidental radiation exposure is concerned, for example), ignore this basic fact. Risk is usually additive, (radiation exposure risk especially so.)

The fact that one accepts, or cannot avoid, some risks, does not in any way imply that one should, or must, therefore accept any or all other risks.

Your "therefore" is spurious. It doesnt make any sense.

Edited by edlithgow on 26/09/2022 at 11:03

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - edlithgow

Ed, I have been reading a book* (by John Emsley, respected writer on chemistry) which gives the history of poisoning.

Elements discussed are mercury, a*r*senic, antimony and lead, both used intentionally by humans and consumed due to environmental factors.

Of particular interest to yourself may be the a*r*senic content of drinking water in places such as Taiwan, Mexico, Finland and several others.

It reports a study in the 1960s which showed that in one region of Taiwan, 10% of people over 60 had cancers, mainly of the skin, where drinking water in the region was 500ppb, (other areas had 600 and 800 ppb)

Tube wells drilled to provide clean water in Bengal and Bangladesh had the unforeseen consequence of exposing 70 million people to a***nic poisoning because the water was not initially tested for a***nic, which was up to 4000ppb.

You are probably aware of this by virtue of your qualifications, I found it an interesting addition to such chemical knowledge I remember from student days.

*The Elements of Murder

Does it go into the lead tetraethyl story? Knowingly dispersing tonnes of a heavy metal, the toxicity of which had been known for hundreds of years, would fit the Murder bit in the "Elements of Murder" title rather well.

CFC's were another environmental disaster from the same guy, though maybe not quite so blatant.

Some CV.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - galileo

*The Elements of Murder

Does it go into the lead tetraethyl story? Knowingly dispersing tonnes of a heavy metal, the toxicity of which had been known for hundreds of years, would fit the Murder bit in the "Elements of Murder" title rather well.

CFC's were another environmental disaster from the same guy, though maybe not quite so blatant.

Some CV.

The book does indeed detail the history of TEL (from its discovery in 1854) including deaths in the 1920s at Dupont, and Standard oil plants making the stuff, effects on gas station workers adding it to fuel through, and the reduction in environmental lead as its use was discontinued in recent years.

The efforts of the producing industry to defend it are also given.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - misar

You seem unable to accept that, given your vaccine worry, logic says you should therefore be even more concerned about daily aspects of your life which carry known risks.

Thats right.

Fair cop, guvnor, but society is to blame.

I'm unable to accept it because it doesn't make any sense.

Your "therefore" is spurious. It doesnt make any sense.

It makes sense if you had not edited out the subsequent text in my post.

My question to you was whether you voluntarily use or do items from a list of things which can be avoided if, like the vaccine, you choose to do so yet, unlike the vaccine, come with well-known risks. Do you?

Edited by misar on 26/09/2022 at 20:28

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - edlithgow

You seem unable to accept that, given your vaccine worry, logic says you should therefore be even more concerned about daily aspects of your life which carry known risks.

Thats right.

Fair cop, guvnor, but society is to blame.

I'm unable to accept it because it doesn't make any sense.

Your "therefore" is spurious. It doesnt make any sense.

It makes sense if you had not edited out the subsequent text in my post.

My question to you was whether you voluntarily use or do items from a list of things which can be avoided if, like the vaccine, you choose to do so yet, unlike the vaccine, come with well-known risks. Do you?

I've explained why your subsequent text (and the above question) was irrelevant. i explained this in the bit you edited out.

I see little point in repeating the explanation. You either get it or you dont

You can flog a dead horse underwater, but you can't make it drink.

Edited by edlithgow on 28/09/2022 at 06:08

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - skidpan

Having my booster later today, hopefully get the flu jab as well if they do the same routine at this place as the one the neighbours visited.

No reaction to the first 3 so fingers crossed this time.

Having had Covid this summer which was little worse that a bad cold (nothing like proper flu) not being protected is totally stupid. Before the vaccine you were at a high risk of death, with the vaccine that risk is greatly reduced (and I appreciate its a different strain now). The fewer people that contract it the lower the risk of Covid mutating into something more severe again.

Without doubt its here to stay (the Chinese zero Covid approach is stupid) and the vaccine is the best way to manage it.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Andrew-T

Without doubt its here to stay (the Chinese zero Covid approach is stupid) and the vaccine is the best way to manage it.

Like you, I tested Covid-positive in February (that was almost the only symptom) and I had a third booster two weeks ago without noticeable after-effect. But I'm not sure anyone can judge just how effective mass vaccination has been, as there hasn't been a proper control experiment. Certainly there were a lot of attributed deaths in the early days, but as Covid mutations developed they seemed to converge towards flu, which was killing people at a similar rate. I'm not really sure why one bug is ignored while we all run scared of the other.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Armitage Shanks {p}

Can't afford not to. In my 80s, live alone and have survived 3 bouts of cancer. I take advantage of anything that might keep me going!

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Armitage Shanks {p}

I shall. Have survived three cancers, in my 80s and widowed. I can't chance getting ill!

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Bromptonaut

Hi AS, not seen you around these parts (or the 'other place') for a while?

How's things?

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - FP

SWMBO and I had our 2022 autumn flu jabs a couple of days before our covid boosters, which we had during the morning of last Saturday. The former gave no problems.

After the covid jab both of us felt OK until lunch time. By the evening we were fatigued and had an uncomfortable night, waking on Sunday with sore throats and general discomfort, including muscle aches all over and soreness at the injection site.

This is the first time a covid jab (it was my fifth) has given me problems; this was Moderna, unlike all the others, which were Pfizer. My wife, on the other had, was really quite ill with her first, which was AZ.

I'm pleased to say that on Monday we were more or less back to normal, though the exercise class I attended was a challenge whenever my arms were required to go above my head.

Edited by FP on 28/09/2022 at 16:23

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - misar

experiment. Certainly there were a lot of attributed deaths in the early days, but as Covid mutations developed they seemed to converge towards flu, which was killing people at a similar rate. I'm not really sure why one bug is ignored while we all run scared of the other.

We have been scared of flu for a long time with vaccination programmes every year for the old and vulnerable. Also even though the flu virus mutates each year it has been around so long there is (or this year possibly was) a high degree of natural immunity.

When Covid arrived there was no natural immunity, no vaccines and no knowledge of how serious it might be or how to treat it. Hence, we ran scared.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - skidpan

Had jab last evening, slight soreness and ache around the jab site this morning but nothing else.

Had the Astra Zeneca for the first 2 and Pfizer for the 3rd, this time it was the Moderna Spikevax Bivalent (original Covid and Omicron).

Off to book my flu jab now.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - skidpan

Had jab last evening, slight soreness and ache around the jab site this morning but nothing else.

Had the Astra Zeneca for the first 2 and Pfizer for the 3rd, this time it was the Moderna Spikevax Bivalent (original Covid and Omicron).

Off to book my flu jab now.

Flu jab done

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - _

I had my covid booster, moderna hybrid on saturday morning, very sore arm, now better alsmost 45 hours later, but wasn't prepared for the severe aches and bone pains in the night saturday and the temperature at night, had to change jimjams twice both nights.

will return for flu jab next week.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Adampr

No booster here, as I am a mere 45 years old, but I do have Covid! I had the previous three jabs so can confirm that the virus is still out there and those jabs won't give you immunity...

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - skidpan

I had my booster last Wednesday and all I had on Thursday morning was a sore arm. Late Thursday morning had flu jab and by evening had general aches in my joints but nothing special. Friday morning felt 100%.

Wife had flu jab Thursday morning same place as I did, had the trots Friday morning, might just have been a coincidence. She is having the Covid jab Friday morning.

We will keep having the jabs when they are offered, its daft not to. We both had Covid early July, very mild, no worse than a summer cold. Isolated until we got negative tests.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Ethan Edwards

Just had another booster. Moderna this time. Now had AZ, Pfizer and now Moderna.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Xileno

Can we try and keep this thread just for people's decision on whether to have a booster or not plus their experiences.

The other thread is for wider debates. There are a few general posts upthread but I'm leaving those for now as I'm a bit nervous about moving some of the older threaded posts - there's no undo button...

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - alan1302

Had mine today as did my wife...booster in the left arm (Moderna) and flu jab in the right arm. Left arms been a bit stiff.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - skidpan

Probably posted above that I had mine on Wednesday 28th September at 5.30 pm, they used the Moderna vaccine. Thursday morning slightly sore arm but otherwise OK. 24 hours later at teatime on Thursday started to feel achy in my joints and a headache started. Took 2 paracetamol as recommended by the nurse at the vaccination place and took another 2 at bedtime. Got up Friday morning feeling pretty normal.

Wife had her Moderna jab about 9.30 am on Saturday 8th October. By teatime her arm was a bit sore. She got up Sunday morning with aching joints and a headache, had her breakfast and 2 paracetamol and went back to bed. By tea she was feeling better but had another 2 paracetamol. Monday morning got up fine.

Based on that you start to feel bad about 24 hours after the jab and after a few tablets the effects last about 12 hours.

Still better than having Covid, whilst the symptoms we had in July were not much worse than the jab the risk of a worse outcome from having Covid is still greater than 12 hours of aches plus the risk to others if you pass it on could be much worse.

We will keep updating our jabs whilst they are available.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Andrew-T

Based on that you start to feel bad about 24 hours after the jab and after a few tablets the effects last about 12 hours.

I had a third booster a month ago, Spikevax (Moderna) this time. Never had anything more than a faintly sore arm after any jabs, so there are all kinds of determinants on what happens to any individual.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Chris M

Seems like everyone here has so far been given the Moderna Spikevax. As mentioned up thread, I volunteer at a vaccination centre. This week we have been using the new Pfizer Bivalent vaccine.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - _

Youngrovergirl had her booster yesterday, aches and temperature at night, took paracetamol and just fit for work this morning. (Moderna hybrid)

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - paul 1963

Had my flu jab last Friday, no reaction as normal, second booster jab next week, hopefully they'll be no reaction, felt slightly under the weather for a day or so last time but its a small price to pay imho.

The aches in the arms people mention is perfectly normal after all you've just had a piece of metal jabbed into a muscle.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Maxime.

Hubby and myself had moderna at the weekend, bit achy for 2 days, ok now.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - focussed

No booster here, as I am a mere 45 years old, but I do have Covid! I had the previous three jabs so can confirm that the virus is still out there and those jabs won't give you immunity...

My daughter and her OH work in the NHS and are injected and boosted up to the hilt.

He has had Covid three times and she has had it twice, all mild infections, so there could be something in what you say.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Falkirk Bairn

2.5 years & Covid free until the last few days.

My wife & I have had 5 jags (75+) - the last was the updated bi-valent version 3 weeks ago.

Last Monday we had a family meal - granddaughter was feeling a bit off on the Tuesday

By Wednesday she was ill - then her mum & dad all positive on Thursday

I thought we had escaped but my wife felt ill on Friday night & is still in bed.

Pretty awful BUT we are not seriously ill - the 5 x jabs has not stopped us getting ill but has limited the effects. My son, D-i-L & granddaughter (all with fewer jabs) are still ill on day 5 but winning - we are on day 2.5 and better than them - although I know we could still be in for more symptoms

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Xileno

I had my booster (Pfizer) on Monday afternoon. My arm is still a bit sore but no other effects. I am lucky, I've never had side effects from jabs.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - edlithgow

Ended up getting the Super-Spike Moderna booster, (much against my better judgement) cos three sticks are required by Japan, in a (hopefully) last lingering manifestation of the disastrous global over-reaction.

Could have got a PCR test instead but the timing was tricky.

Online appts only, but the online system was (predictably) broken (Catch 22 Circularity Syndrome) and walk-in did in fact work OK, with no queues 23rd December.

Hopefully I can get it documented, which was what it was for.

Online system could not cope with earlier jabs not administered in the UK, which is a bit ominous.

Finger-tips tingling unpleasantly, slight headache about 2 hrs in.

Edited by edlithgow on 23/12/2022 at 16:22

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - skidpan

last lingering manifestation of the disastrous global over-reaction.

All I can say is thank the Lord for the over-reaction.

I (along with many other) may not be on this forum if the virus had been allowed to spread unchecked.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Andrew-T

last lingering manifestation of the disastrous global over-reaction.

I (along with many other) may not be on this forum if the virus had been allowed to spread unchecked.

Just possibly. But I remember saying a very few months into 2020, when the fuzzy picture was beginning to get clearer, that Covid was rather like good old Flu as it seemed to spread in much the same way (although a few unlucky people suffered unusual symptoms), and could be handled similarly. Now, with a lot more hindsight, I haven't changed that opinion - we all get vaccinated for both, if we choose.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Brit_in_Germany

When you look at China you can see the benefits of a vaccination policy over isolation. While they could keep the numbers down using draconian measures, locking people in their buildings, this meant there was no form of herd immunity. That they did not supplement this with vaccination is astonishing.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - groaver


Just possibly. But I remember saying a very few months into 2020, when the fuzzy picture was beginning to get clearer, that Covid was rather like good old Flu as it seemed to spread in much the same way (although a few unlucky people suffered unusual symptoms), and could be handled similarly. Now, with a lot more hindsight, I haven't changed that opinion - we all get vaccinated for both, if we choose.

Like good old Spanish flu, eh?

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - edlithgow

Early days for policy post-mortem, and there will be an understandable lack of enthusiasm for collecting evidence of mistakes, but indications are that Sweden did OK without a lockdown, the downsides of which fall rather firmly in the bleedin obvious bracket.

Vaccines, dunno, and probably never will.

Coincided with rather rapid onset degenerative osteoarthritis for me, but could of course just have been coincidence.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - edlithgow

GF hasn’t been able to get documentation of her 23/12/2022 Scottish jab out of the system, despite having registered with a GP, and its proved impossible so far to get a PCR test.

They’ve stopped doing it at the airport, and the few (3) other local clinics I could find seem to have stopped as well, presumably because few countries (apart from famously anal Japan) require it, so offering it no longer makes commercial sense.

Looking like we wont be able to take our flight.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - edlithgow

Calling the PCR test centre (as opposed to going through the online booking systems, which are apparently universally broken) did actually get us a test, though, since we both have persistent symptoms consistent with COVID following our third jabs, this might not get us a flight.

Probably quite difficult to get diagnosed with COVID in The Yook now, since they want it to be over.

I went to a GP with symptoms which I didnt then think were Covid, but now think might be, and was told it was “a virus”. Can’t argue with that.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - FP

It's not difficult to establish if you've got covid in the UK at all, provided you have a test kit. There is no agenda here about making things hard for those who suspect they are infected.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Crickleymal

The only problem is reporting it. The government website won't accept the serial numbers on shop bought tests. As the government aren't issuing tests any more it is now impossible to report your positive test.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - edlithgow

The only problem is reporting it. The government website won't accept the serial numbers on shop bought tests. As the government aren't issuing tests any more it is now impossible to report your positive test.

As I suspected. However, gf test is clear so unlikely either of have Covid. We,ve both been fairly I’ll for about a fortnight but if we can stop coughing long enough to check in, should be ok to fly
will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Armitage Shanks {p}

In my 80s, live alone, 3rd cancer in remission, don't need any more hassle. had all the jabs to date and had the flu one today

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Armitage Shanks {p}

Np reason not to/

Covid Jab - skidpan

Looked to add to the previous thread but it appears to have been sent to Archive and the OP (ORB) has had his name removed, grounds for another conspiracy.

Me and Mrs S had our winter booster yesterday (had flu jabs a week and a half ago) and other than a slight ache at the injection site all is well.

We have both been looking but so far not noticed any evidence of Bill gates in our blood.

Covid Jab - bathtub tom

My missus has now had seven(!) and each one makes her as miserable as sin for a couple of days. Doesn't help that I feel no effects.

Covid Jab - Xileno

Not sure why it's in archive but I will pull it back into this forum and add these posts onto the end.

Covid Jab - FP

I too have had the maximum number of covid jabs available. Very slight soreness this time, which didn't stop me using the gym the day after. Had the flu jab a few days ago and the pharmacist advised paracetamol as a matter of course; I didn't bother and had zero discomfort afterwards. All of which is usual for me, but one covid jab in the past made me unwell for a few days. As I still have long covid after my infection last February I am pretty keen to avoid another, or at least mitigate the effects.

Covid Jab - Xileno

I'm not in the age group that qualifies for the covid jab this time. I might have the flu one, I think most of the chemists do those.

I've never had any reactions apart from the usual sore arm.

Covid Jab - gordonbennet

No, haven't had any boosters, or the first lot, won't be having any.

Covid Jab - Chris M

I'm volunteering at a local pharmacy vaccination centre again. It's a high street location and I get to chat with passers by as well as those wanting their jabs. Some people can't wait to get in the door and think medical science is wonderful and at the other extreme, those telling me I'm a criminal for making people have the jab. Last week, one chap waved his mobile phone in my face as proof of the dangers and called me a F**kwit.

It's personal choice, but if you don't have the jab and end up dying, please don't moan about it. :)

Covid Jab - Engineer Andy

I'm volunteering at a local pharmacy vaccination centre again. It's a high street location and I get to chat with passers by as well as those wanting their jabs. Some people can't wait to get in the door and think medical science is wonderful and at the other extreme, those telling me I'm a criminal for making people have the jab. Last week, one chap waved his mobile phone in my face as proof of the dangers and called me a F**kwit.

It's personal choice, but if you don't have the jab and end up dying, please don't moan about it. :)

It is, but remember that many of us who didn't get jabbed have had to put up with probably as much if not more than you did if we were open about not doing so (including on this forum), as bad as it was and unwarranted.

Like with other issues over the last deacde or two, this has been a very polarising issue.

I'll continue to avoid the jab, especially as more and more evidence emerges as to the lack of proper trials, (apparently) known issues and contaminents, as well as many 'claims' made when first rolled out have been taken back.

A shame my 'luck' in not getting the 'virus' once doesn't rub off onto my lotto entries.

Covid Jab - gordonbennet
A shame my 'luck' in not getting the 'virus' once doesn't rub off onto my lotto entries.

Our luck in not getting ill, or the jabs :-), is rubbing off pretty well on the old premium bonds though, another 200 nicker this month, yay, lottery won't happen we don't partake.

Covid Jab - Andrew-T
A shame my 'luck' in not getting the 'virus' once doesn't rub off onto my lotto entries.

Our luck in not getting ill, or the jabs :-), is rubbing off pretty well on the old premium bonds though, another 200 nicker this month,

Mine did rather better than that, for the first time I can recall. Must be the upside of rising interest rates caused by inflation caused by .... After thinking about what to do, SWMBO decided to plough it back in.

Covid Jab - alan1302

as well as many 'claims' made when first rolled out have been taken back.

A shame my 'luck' in not getting the 'virus' once doesn't rub off onto my lotto entries.

You may have had it but not had any effects from it - not all people are made poorly from it. As far as I know I've not had it yet either.

Covid Jab - Engineer Andy

as well as many 'claims' made when first rolled out have been taken back.

A shame my 'luck' in not getting the 'virus' once doesn't rub off onto my lotto entries.

You may have had it but not had any effects from it - not all people are made poorly from it. As far as I know I've not had it yet either.

Maybe so, but that's an excellent reason why I don't need any vaccine for it. It was why originally the rollout was supposedly only going to be for the very elderly and immuno-compromised. So-called 'asymptomatic transmission' was never proved, yet was used to convince people in the healthy cohort to get the jab.

The decision to roll it out to the otherwise healthy and especially the young has proven to be a very poor one, not that 99% of politicians andd scientists will publicly admit this.

It's also the reason why the uptake of the latest round of boosters has been very poor, because most people aren't worried about COVID any more, despite the best efforts of the authorities and media to gaslight and fearmonger, and because many know people - especially those previously healthy (particularly the young) - who have been seriously negatively affected by the COVID jab - NOT the virus.

Covid Jab - Xileno

It's also the reason why the uptake of the latest round of boosters has been very poor...."

Are you referring to absolute figures or % since this winter only the 65+ age group qualify unless they have certain medical conditions. Are you saying that in the 65+ group take-up is lower?

Covid Jab - bathtub tom

No, haven't had any boosters, or the first lot, won't be having any.

SWMBO's CEV, had covid twice and anti-virals each time. Last time there was reportedly 45 folk a day dying of covid. SWMBO stated she could've been a statistic without the drugs!

Covid Jab - gordonbennet

No, haven't had any boosters, or the first lot, won't be having any.

SWMBO's CEV, had covid twice and anti-virals each time. Last time there was reportedly 45 folk a day dying of covid. SWMBO stated she could've been a statistic without the drugs!

Each to their own, swmbo and i both decided as did my daughter without influence from me our fates lay with our fully intact non-interfered with natural immunity, something we all have..

As ChrisM above jokingly (well done Chris nice to see someone with a SoH) said if the lurgy of the day gets either one of us so be it, oddly enough having continued my record of never having taken a single sick day in 50 years of full time work (no furlough required or wanted, essential manual worker), compared to the usual suspect sick notes and the self certifying absent thanks to a test the designer of which protested was never meant for diagnosis, at our recent company medical it appears i'm in better shape than many half my age, if i drop dead later today only two people will care, not i :-)

As for the number of dying of (or with) we all have our own views of what was and is the truth of those figures and who's been telling it.

Sorry for going off track mods, i merely meant to state for the thread that no we didn't and wouldn't take any boosters, i'll not get involved in this discussion on this thread again, as you were.

Edited by gordonbennet on 13/10/2023 at 07:49

Covid Jab - skidpan

i'll not get involved in this discussion on this thread again, as you were.

That's a relief, perhaps others with similar views will join you.

Without the vaccine and albeit late government intervention (they should have acted several weeks sooner) it would have been a total disaster for the country.

Covid Jab - Andrew-T

<< Last time there was reportedly 45 folk a day dying of covid. SWMBO stated she could've been a statistic without the drugs! >>

It's easy to quote a one-off statistic saying X people died of something topical like Covid - it is automatically worrying. But alongside a similar stat for (say) flu, a more rational view can be taken. The numbers are similar, but everyone is used to flu so they aren't very bothered.

PS - just back from a fruitless journey to a walk-in centre a few miles away, after phoning at 9am. Told that only 14 jabs were left and the delivery expected at 10:30 had not arrived. So much for walking in .... :-(

Edited by Andrew-T on 13/10/2023 at 12:29

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - FP

“… our fates lay with our fully intact non-interfered with natural immunity, something we all have.”

Not true. There are many people around whose immune systems are compromised in some way. When covid-19 came on the scene there was no natural immunity to it. Now it’s been around for a while maybe immune systems have started to respond to it, though for many the vaccines are responsible for that. The fact that many individuals have been infected with covid more than once suggests that the disease in itself may not be creating long-term immunity, or may be mutating too fast for vaccines to keep up. However, there are people who remain at risk.

The downplaying of the threats posed by covid-19 does no-one any service. It is not “just like flu” and it is worrying because of the inconsistent way in which it affects people, possibly because some people are genetically predisposed to suffer badly from it. As no-one can predict who they are, it is sensible and socially responsible to get vaccinated to minimise the spread. The vaccine will lessen the chances people will be infected, or at least lessen the severity of the symptoms.

Those who scorn the potential severity of the disease should be in no doubt that people can still die from it, though lessons have been learned about how best to treat it.

“… more and more evidence emerges as to the lack of proper trials, (apparently) known issues and contaminants…”

I would like to see any evidence for this, but (and we have been here before) I’m not expecting any. The number of people suffering from significant side-effects is a very small percentage compared with the (data-based) estimate that vaccines have saved more than 100,000 lives in England.

And it is only recently that there has been official interest in long covid, which has wrecked many people’s lives. You may take it from me that you do not want to get this consequence of covid.

It’s a great pity that some presumably quite intelligent people equate efforts to control the disease (for the benefit of all of society) with sinister forces hell-bent on doing us harm.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Andrew-T

The downplaying of the threats posed by covid-19 does no-one any service. It is not “just like flu” and it is worrying because of the inconsistent way in which it affects people,

It may not be 'just like flu' (which IIRC is also a corona virus) but IMHO it is fairly similar, except for a possible after-effect known as long covid. It spreads in a similar way, so similar precautions can be taken - which are probably only partially effective.

Some individuals may be more susceptible than others. I have had several jabs with virtually no after effects, and also tested positive twice, again with very mild symptoms.

When covid first appeared, the authorities followed the precautionary principle (correctly IMHO) which three years later looks to have been an over-reaction. The bug apparently mutates frequently, some variants being more virulent than others. My personal feeling is that I can take my chances. Others are entitled to choose differently.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - gordonbennet

Careful Andrew, with that quite reasonable attitude your name vill also go on ze list, joining us conspiracy theorists who should know our place and keep quiet :-)

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - alan1302

Careful Andrew, with that quite reasonable attitude your name vill also go on ze list, joining us conspiracy theorists who should know our place and keep quiet :-)

You did say you were going to be quiet ;-)

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Adampr

The downplaying of the threats posed by covid-19 does no-one any service. It is not “just like flu” and it is worrying because of the inconsistent way in which it affects people,

It may not be 'just like flu' (which IIRC is also a corona virus) but IMHO it is fairly similar, except for a possible after-effect known as long covid. It spreads in a similar way, so similar precautions can be taken - which are probably only partially effective.

Some individuals may be more susceptible than others. I have had several jabs with virtually no after effects, and also tested positive twice, again with very mild symptoms.

When covid first appeared, the authorities followed the precautionary principle (correctly IMHO) which three years later looks to have been an over-reaction. The bug apparently mutates frequently, some variants being more virulent than others. My personal feeling is that I can take my chances. Others are entitled to choose differently.

Flu isn't a coronavirus. A lot of.colda are, though.

I don't really understand why anyone on any side of the debate is still making a fuss about it. COVID is now endemic, vulnerable people should be vaccinated and others don't need to be. None of us know (yet) whether the response at the.time was right or wrong at the time, but the current approach seems about right.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Ethan Edwards

Had mine along with a Flu jab....and mines working perfectly, working perfec...working....work...

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Orb>>

Youngrovergirl tested positive this morning with symptoms, checking again later, but off anyway till next wednesday. I tested negative. but just aches and bone pains as after my last boosters.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Orb>>

Youngrovergirl tested positive this morning with symptoms, checking again later, but off anyway till next wednesday. I tested negative. but just aches and bone pains as after my last boosters.

Me too this morning, all the symptoms and tested positive. Grrh.

It's still out there.

Isolating and yrg obligatory off work from hospital.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - mcb100
Another positive test here - I started a cough and cold a few days ago, tested negative.
We’re still part of a monthly test programme for the Office of National Statistics and today’s test day - two red lines on the LFT.
Thankfully feeling an awful lot better than the last time I had it.
will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Bromptonaut
Another positive test here - I started a cough and cold a few days ago, tested negative. We’re still part of a monthly test programme for the Office of National Statistics and today’s test day - two red lines on the LFT. Thankfully feeling an awful lot better than the last time I had it.

Two friends from former work in Civil Service have tested +ve too. A lot of it about.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Orb>>

Youngrovergirl tested positive this morning with symptoms, checking again later, but off anyway till next wednesday. I tested negative. but just aches and bone pains as after my last boosters.

Me too this morning, all the symptoms and tested positive. Grrh.

It's still out there.

Isolating and yrg obligatory off work from hospital.

Lucky ? This time, just like a bad flu but staying away from people.

YRG off till next weds 3rd jan.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - expat

We have had all 6 jabs but the missus got it about 3 days ago. She tested positive with fever, sneezing etc. We got antivirals and she is fine now but still isolating. I tested a couple of times but was negative. Getting the antivirals is strongly recommended but you have to do it in the first 3 days. They work really well.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - honestjones

I guess I was lucky not having any negative effects from latest booster. But I still isolate for 3 days just to make sure.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - FP

I'm struggling to understand why you would think it necessary to isolate yourself after vaccination, which does not give you any disease and therefore does not make you infectious.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Leif

I’ve had three jabs, the side effects were as bad as covid first time round. Covid was horrible but not severe, and only 3-4 days. This January I had sniffles, friend said he recently had covid, so I took a test, it was positive to my surprise. It must be weakening, becoming like a normal cold.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Orb>>

In January Youngrovergirl brought it home again from the hospital. Tested positive, felt bit rough. I felt a bit rough, so tested myself and BINGO Covid (again).

Just like a mild flu, so happy with the vaccinations.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - expat

In January Youngrovergirl brought it home again from the hospital. Tested positive, felt bit rough. I felt a bit rough, so tested myself and BINGO Covid (again).

Just like a mild flu, so happy with the vaccinations.

If you are able to get the antivirals then do so. They are extremely good but you have to take them within the first three days of testing positive.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - Falkirk Bairn

Of the 14 in the immediate family, my wife & I are the only 2 who have not had Covid.

Just in a couple of days ago -an appointment for our 7th jab - it's over 75s only.

They have got the appointments sorted - originally random appointments, wrong clinics etc etc - the latest - 2 appointments at same time & place.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - FP

This afternoon I booked myself in for the Spring 2024 booster.

That will be my eighth covid vaccination.

will you, won't you? - Booster time, Covid jabs.. - bathtub tom

This afternoon I booked myself in for the Spring 2024 booster.

That will be my eighth covid vaccination.

Ditto, although I find an increasing number of folk as saying they won't bother. Including a family member who 'dodged' a flu vaccine, ended up with flu and then pneumonia, saying they wouldn't dodge a flu vaccine again, although they're declining any more covid boosters?

Edited by bathtub tom on 15/04/2024 at 22:42