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Speed Limiter Rules 2022 - nb852

I was thinking of buying a new car but have been put off by the new Speed Limiter Rule that comes into effect in May 2022 for new cars, It also states that existing cars that have been type approved prior to this date have until 2024 to have a speed limiter installed. My query is what does this mean in practice. How do I know if the car I want to buy is already type approved? Also, does this affect pre-reg cars, i.e. just because it is not new does this mean it is exempt?

Speed Limiter Rules 2022 - Marlin1

They don't mean retrofitting to cars already on the road. They mean existing designs that meet the current specifications (say the new Dacia Jogger), whilst models sold today won't have to have the limiter, they will need it from 2024.

Not a bad idea imho if it stops the i****s driving through the town centre at 60mph or racing up the motorway at 90mph.

Speed Limiter Rules 2022 - daveyjp

Whilst fitting the tech to limit speeds is easy, the data telling the car what the limit is isn't accurate and until both parts of the equation work properly the system is flawed.

The new rules therefore allow for the system to be deactivated so having a limiter isn't an issue.

Edited by daveyjp on 07/09/2021 at 09:10

Speed Limiter Rules 2022 - Miniman777

Whilst fitting the tech to limit speeds is easy, the data telling the car what the limit is isn't accurate and until both parts of the equation work properly the system is flawed.

The new rules therefore allow for the system to be deactivated so having a limiter isn't an issue.

This inaccuracy is particularly relevant where a road with a slower speed is parallel to a main road with a higher limit. GPS cant differentiate, and some young drivers with black boxes on the main road have been accused of speeding on the lower speed road.

It's crude technology. Even cars with camera linked to a speed limit display get it wrong.

Speed Limiter Rules 2022 - daveyjp

Cars with cameras are worse as they pick up speed signs for side roads which aren't at 90 degrees to the road you are on.

Speed Limiter Rules 2022 - Terry W

Implentation is the key to whether this works and/or is acceptable.

Do posted speed limits have tolerance levels or will they be precise - eg: does 30mph mean 30mph, or does a tolerance of (say) 5mph +10% mean 38mph apply.

How intelligent is the system - eg: adjacent roads as already noted.

Does the system use roadside signs, or a central database - eg: where a temporary average speed limit though motorway roadworks applies.

This is coming - the only question is precisely how and when. If fitted to new cars from 2024, there will still be significant numbers of unrestricted cars on the roads until around 2040. By then, driverless will then dominate transport anyway - this is just a step on the road.

Speed Limiter Rules 2022 - Andrew-T

How intelligent is the system - eg: adjacent roads as already noted.

The system is only as intelligent as its makers. ?? :-(

Speed Limiter Rules 2022 - nb852

So if I buy a new car today that does not have this tech fitted, then I will have to pay to have it installed by 2024. If I were to buy the same model but a pre-reg or used car then the situation would be the same - I would need to retro fit the device by 2024?

Speed Limiter Rules 2022 - daveyjp

No. There has never been a requirement to retrofit such systems, its why you can still buy older yet fully refurbished cars with no indicators, reversing lights, seat belts or airbags,

There will be a date when all newly designed vehicles (again no requirement to update existing production vehickes) will need the new tech. As the date is so close it will already be happening.

Edited by daveyjp on 07/09/2021 at 15:23

Speed Limiter Rules 2022 - movilogo


As per above overridng is possible temporarily but it will reset again.

Speed Limiter Rules 2022 - bathtub tom

The only retrofit legislation I'm aware of was for front seat safety belts for '63- '65 cars, How they got away with that I'll never know.

Speed Limiter Rules 2022 - Smileyman

One vehicle in the front with it fitted, all others bunched up behind as a result. Arrive at a 40 zone after leaving a 70 zone, middle driver forced to slow down early, seems like a recipe for rear end shunts.

Speed Limiter Rules 2022 - bathtub tom

seems like a recipe for rear end shunts.

Then they should'nt be so unobservant.

Speed Limiter Rules 2022 - SLO76
I’ll never buy a car with a speed limiter fitted. UK motorway limits were introduced at a time when cars were nowhere near as capable as they are now and are wholly inappropriate on wide open roads at off-peak times, especially up here in Scotland where the M6 can be near empty. I travel at sensible two digit speeds and never drive excessively, I drive at appropriate speed to the roads and conditions but the warning lights and sounds these new systems will force on drivers will be hugely distracting and highly dangerous, I will never own one unless there’s a way to fully disable it. I do agree with it in town however.
Speed Limiter Rules 2022 - dan86
I’ll never buy a car with a speed limiter fitted. UK motorway limits were introduced at a time when cars were nowhere near as capable as they are now and are wholly inappropriate on wide open roads at off-peak times, especially up here in Scotland where the M6 can be near empty. I travel at sensible two digit speeds and never drive excessively, I drive at appropriate speed to the roads and conditions but the warning lights and sounds these new systems will force on drivers will be hugely distracting and highly dangerous, I will never own one unless there’s a way to fully disable it. I do agree with it in town however.

What you say there about in towns is just sensible as that's where it will be of most benefit to pedestrians and small children where a knock at 30 is far more survivable than 40+ mph. But on empty motorways 80mph isn't really an issue.

Speed Limiter Rules 2022 - thirts
I’ll never buy a car with a speed limiter fitted. UK motorway limits were introduced at a time when cars were nowhere near as capable as they are now and are wholly inappropriate on wide open roads at off-peak times, especially up here in Scotland where the M6 can be near empty.

Car maybe more capable but people aren't.

Re: Motorways your lucky, when I go to Birmingham from Manchester it would be great to even go at 50 mph - such is the congestion

Speed Limiter Rules 2022 - Terry W

If age 60+ you may never buy or drive an EV or a car with speed limiting. You may even be able to drive a torquey diesel until the good lord calls time. Autonomous vehicles may never sully your motoring horizons.

This is all possible because S/H vehicles will be available in reasonable numbers, with adequate spares availability for around the next 20-30 years.

The world in which we grew up (I am late 60s) paid little attention to the environment or road safety. The car was both transport and an expression of personal freedoms.

For most of the younger developed world, that which we cherished is a historical anomaly!

Speed Limiter Rules 2022 - Andrew-T

The world in which we grew up (I am late 60s) paid little attention to the environment or road safety. The car was both transport and an expression of personal freedoms.

I take your point (being a little older than that) but while 'little attention' was paid, it wasn't zero attention. Drivers were fully responsible for road safety and cars only did what they were told, whereas for quite a few years that responsibility has been shifting to the vehicle. That may seem a clever idea, but when drivers believe they may think less, the predictable consequences may not be all good.

The personal freedoms are now curtailed by continuously running up against those of the other millions of motorists .... Some of whom are now surprised to find dozens of others when they reach their chosen beauty spot.