Most recently answered licence renewal questions

I am 77 and my appearance has changed, do I have to pay for a new photo or is it free for the over 70s?

My driving licence is with the DVLA in order to be renewed, however I need to go abroad shortly and wondered if there is any way I can hire a car?

I've recently applied online to renew my licence as I reach 70 this month. I was then sent a form to date and sign. I sent it back, including my cut up existing driving licence. I have heard nothing since....

What is the most effective way of communicating with the DVLA? Phone calls and chat line attempts have proved unsuccessful.

I'm trying every day to renew my licence online and, after entering all my details (a lengthy procedure), I'm told that I am not eligible for this service. I know that there has been an 11-month extension...

My driving license expires in February 2021. Should I apply for a renewal now or wait?

Having read some of the answers in regards to the renewal of my driving licence, I'm still unsure if I have an automatic extension or not. I turned 70 three years ago and need to renew for the first week...

What is the position with over 70s driving Licence renewals in the current lockdown? My licence expires in early December but I have not received a reminder from the DVLA.

I will be 70 on October 8th and will need to renew my licence. I have been told that the licence renewal time has been extended because of Covid (as was the case with MOTs ). Is this correct?

I always thought that I needed to reapply for a new driving licence at age 70. I have just attempted to do this, as I reach that age in early July. However, I received a message saying my licence was valid...