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Vauxhall Zafira (2005 - 2014)

reviewed by Anonymous on 6 May 2021
reviewed by Anonymous on 6 May 2021
reviewed by Robin Lewis, on 23 December 2020
reviewed by Anonymous on 27 November 2020

Exclusiv 1.6i 16v VVT 5dr

reviewed by Anonymous on 13 November 2020
Overall rating
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Overall reliability

Practical all rounder for 2.4 family’s

We had seen this model advertised with a chunk of the original price off so got a good deal at 11k, this at the time seemed fab for an end of the line car.
Good points :
Fantastic car for when you need that extra space for people or kids, or even purchasing big items, or numerous tip runs, or moving house. The 6/7 seats at the back when mostly down give the boot a massive space to play with. Collapsing the 2nd row it’s basically a van.
Middle seat in 2nd row folds down for cup holders. Infotainment system is basic but gets the main stations and CD player, aux cable too, steering wheel has little buttons for it too.
In the 7 yrs I’ve had my car I’ve had no problems, that is as honest as it gets. I’ve also had it regularly serviced by the local dealer that I bought it from. It’s had all its recalls done with no problems. It’s been a great car for all purposes.
Negative points ( not bad ) for me,
I feel the engine is incredibly underpowered and it screams for a sixth gear when approaching 65/70 mph. Fully loaded and on slight inclines it takes a lot of work to push enough to get it to go faster, that said it’s not built for speed being a 7 seater, but you are totally aware of mr Honda or mr ford waiting to pass you once you get off the slip road.. I did have a 2 litre turbo diesel scenic before this car so definitely miss the put the foot down and go. However once you reach about 65mph and get used to the engine noise it cruises along respectively.
There has been clutch judder in the second gear as long as I’ve had the car, its never been worse or better since I’ve had it, just an annoying little niggle. Have spoken to the dealer each time it’s been serviced and they’ve checked it over but no faults seem to come up.
I don’t do a lot of miles either so don’t always need to change parts as quickly however if anything does need replaced it’s under lifetime warranty or at the time up to 7 yrs.
My third and final gripe is the damned front pillars! To say I’ve had a few near misses with other cars coming out of side roads is an understatement. You cannot have a relaxed driving position in the car as your right side of vision is partly blocked by a looming pillar, my kids take the mickey out of me and say I look like I drive angry straight upright. But if you don’t sway your whole body back and forth to get a better view your essentially setting your self up for a smash. The pillar, depending on how far the side road is away from you, can completely block the entire road your turning into and you have to move all the way forward in your seat to look through the windscreen then back and forth, same for the other side.

On the positive I have loved having this car, it’s never let me down and because I ferry mostly kids about it’s practical enough and kids friendly enough for the job it needs to do. Would I recommend? yes and no. yes for practicality and van like surroundings, mpg and no major problems but no for the blind pillars

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reviewed by dombat on 22 February 2020
reviewed by Anonymous on 31 May 2019
reviewed by Anonymous on 21 May 2019
reviewed by Alan Burtonwood on 23 August 2018
reviewed by helenrufus on 6 July 2016
reviewed by JM Prieto on 18 August 2015
reviewed by MTD on 22 March 2015
reviewed by fonmenage on 16 October 2014
reviewed by theoldboy on 29 August 2014
reviewed by RodM on 28 August 2014
reviewed by Anonymous on 5 June 2014
reviewed by zafiramuck on 24 June 2013
reviewed by Dust on 13 February 2013
reviewed by exmulet on 7 February 2013
reviewed by Swiss bloke on 26 October 2012
reviewed by cbell on 18 March 2012
reviewed by jeffh42 on 19 December 2011
reviewed by Molnboman on 16 August 2011
reviewed by NBLondon on 10 April 2011
reviewed by Exzafiradriver on 4 April 2011
reviewed by bluebottle7 on 26 December 2010
reviewed by theoldboy on 1 October 2010

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About this car

Road TaxE–L
MPG29.4–55.4 mpg
Real MPG84.5%

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submitted by Anonymous
submitted by Anonymous
submitted by Anonymous