Peugeot 3008 (2009 - 2017)
Exclusive HDi 163 FAP Automatic 5dr
Truthfully? An excellent car that is a pleasure to drive
I shopped around for 4 months looking for a car. I was originally after a Freelander 2, BMW X3 or Kia Sportage. I didn't like the ride of any of them. Then broadened my search.
I actually bought the wrong car! I saw what I thought was a 3008 in a Tesco car park as I drove past. I thought it looked similar in size and syle to what I wanted. That was actually a 5008! But, oblivioous to my error I searched for a 3008 within reasonable distance.
I wanted automatic. Not the semi-automatic, but real automatic. This is one of those.
After speaking with the delear, who I must say was the ONLY dealer who was courteous, professional and actually honest about the one or two minor niggles (small dent in one door and one corroded alloy wheel), I went to see and drive it.
Obviously, first impression was it was the wrong car - it was not that 5008 I had seen. But as I was there and the car looked exactly as descirbed, thought I may as well drive it anyway. And I am glad I did. It drove flawlessly.
So, the review?
OK. Driving. Engine (2.0hdi) is punchy and resposive, yet quiet and refined. Gearbox (made by Porsche) is utterly slick and perfect in gear changes. Steering, very crisp and responsive. Handling, reasonably good. Not a sports car of course, but not a wallowing old barge either. A happy medium for me between good handling and extremely comfortable. Driving position is commanding, you sit high but not as high as it feels. Only when a range rover or similar pulls alongside do you notice you are actually sitting quite normally, but it FEELS much higher and thus you feel in command.
Overall, for a 12 year old car, I feel I got lucky. Now I must stress this is mostly down to the one previous very careful owner - matching Michelins all round etc and servicing records for everything ever needed. But I must say that I am impressed for what it is. Would I buy the same car again? Too early to really say, but probably yes as it really is a pleasure to drive.
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About this car
Price | £17,550–£28,695 |
Road Tax | A–I |
MPG | 36.7–85.6 mpg |
Real MPG | 76.0% |