Lexus SC430 (2001 - 2009)
4.3 L Covertible
Almost a great car
I have had my SC 430 for a few months now and enjoying it, especially so now the sun is out. It is very comfortable and quiet, the ride quality is pretty good on Michelins and everything works as it should. However, I have two criticisms, the steering has more in common with cruise ship than a car with any degree of sporting pretentions. The steering ratio is just plain wrong, requiring way too much arm-twirling and doesn't promote even a modicum of press-on driving. My second criticism, albeit minor, is the amount of throttle pedal travel. It takes a lot of foot movement to extract any of the performance. Fuel consumption? We don't talk about that. Overall, I think it is best described as more of a classic roadster drive than a real alternative to the likes of the Mercedes SL.