Mercedes 220CDI - Synergy Manchester - hoveguy
Hello, A WARNING to anyone who deals with Synergy Manchester the site is a scam. I lost £1975 last week. I was promised a car lease deal with a Mercedes C Class 220CDi. I transferred the money to Synergy as I had been dealing with a guy called James Morgan. I received an official order form and I now find the company is in Liquidation. According to Insolvency this company is not in Liquidation, it is run by a guy called ABDUAL QUDDAS and he has not made himself bankrupt it is all a SCAM. Insolvency say they cannot do anything. I have told Consumer Direct, they weren't particularly helpful. You cannot speak to Trading Standards as you have to go through Consumer Direct. Insolvency know all about this guy a number of people have got caught out like me, but nothing seems to be done. He will no doubt set up another professional looking website and start again. I have filled in an actioncrime report but have heard nothing. POSTED ON ANOTHER PART OF MOTORING DISCUSSION SORRY