mg zr - small amount of coolant loss a year - leeboy

hi is it normal to lose a small amout of coolant a year?about 1/2 to 2" in header tank over a year,i know that mg are known for hgf but mine has been done allready, ive had the car a year now and only had to top up twice maybe a inch a time over the year,no leaks no milky oil no oil loss runs perfect.any advice would be appriciated.

mg zr - small amount of coolant loss a year - 1litregolfeater

Sounds great if you're doing more than say, 3 or 4 thousand miles a year!

mg zr - small amount of coolant loss a year - madf

Sounds like a small seepage from either a hose clip or a radiator leak or possibly radiator pressure cap.

Check all for signs of antifreeze - coloured so should be easy to see and replace the radiator cap as they are cheap and easy to do..

mg zr - small amount of coolant loss a year - leeboy

cheers for replys cant see any sign of leaks any were i have done 6000 miles in a year 2 inch loss maybe its just normal i will keep a close eye on it any way.

mg zr - small amount of coolant loss a year - bathtub tom

Try letting the level drop to the MIN mark, but not below.

I had a car that would chuck out any coolant that was more than halfway above the MIN level.