Thanks for answering. Nope I didn't know I was wrong I thought standing in wait for a car park would not be seen as stopping. As when you stop to let people on or off. I can see that it's wrong but then everyone standing in the middle of a street wait to pull in to a car park. I'm pretty sure you are not allowed to double park/stop either so to say. I think a traffic officer would probably use common sense when he/she see those situations. This was CCTV parking ticket not a traffic fine.
The situation is a bit more complicated than pulling away from traffic. It's basically a dual lane one way street. The goes to one lane and during this merge there is zig zag, however just before the merge there is this little parking spot. So its normal dual lane, dual lane with zigzag, dual lane one little car park spot, single lane. It's the right lane merging to the left lane. I come down the road on the right side and stand behind the car that is about to leave. Since the street is busy she doesn't take off immediately as said it takes about 1min.
Anyways lets see if someone else has a different view. I clearly will never wait for a parking spot in the street anymore unless it's in a parking garage or parking lot...
Sincerely Dyna
Edited by Dyna on 27/01/2011 at 18:39