I passed my test a few months ago (a bit late, as I'm now 30 years old) so am still a bit of a nervous driver.
On Saturday evening I made a trip to Enfield and enroute to my destination took a wrong turn. I came to some traffic lights which were red, but I was concentrating to hard to looking aroudn for road signs that I went over the line before I stopped. I didn't pull out into the junction, but I was stopped just on the crossing - I couldn't reverrse back as another car had come close behind me.
I didn't see if there was a camera on the lights and fear has stopped me from goign back there to check.
What I was wondering was - am I likely to get 3 points and a fine because I crossed the line - or does that only apply if I had carried on and pulled into the junction?
Any advice at all would be appreciated as I'm really fretting over this and haven't slept very well at all since it happened. :(