this sound very familiar, I think your problem is a filter which is designed to capture diesel particles, it is in all diesel engines now, I have a mazda and the DPF as it is known clogs up regularly if the car isn't driven on motorways with revs above 2000 at a speed of more than 25 miles an hour. In effect the DPF makes the car not fit for around town driving.
Your car should warn you when the DPF is starting to get blocked, this is a common problem all diesel cars will have this issue now until a better DPF is installed, the idea is that the carbon builds up in the DPF and is burnt off during a regen cycle once the engine is at a certain temp. The problem is you have no idea when this will happen and if you stop driving during the cycle it wont regen again and you have to get it done by your dealer, if you don't then your engine can in effect blow up.
I have spoken with the all the governing bodies about this, I have reported to watch dog who have previously investigate, I have spoken with office of fair trading and have come up again a brick wall, everyone in the motor industry says the same thing, the problem isn't with the car it's the driving style.
Finally this rather conveniently is not covered by your warranty as it your fault. Even though I bet no one told you at point of sale that you couldn't drive the car around town.