99t 1.9td too much oil - bigkaz
hi all. Just had car serviced but checking oil level found the oil level is about a millimeter above the max line if even that on dip stick not wanting to kick up a fuss can i get away with this especially given the cold weather should i go back and get the excess drained off as alway many thanks to any replies received much appreciated
99t 1.9td too much oil - L'escargot
If you do complain about the engine being filled 1 mm too full, just make sure you're getting a true reading. For example, if you withdraw the dipstick and clean it before re-inserting and withdrawing it again to take a reading, the first withdrawal will pull oil up the dipstick tube which may result in a higher reading. I know that's the recommended method, but it leads to inconsistencies. To get the most consistent reading I leave mine overnight and then take the reading on the first withdrawal of the dipstick. I know this isn't the recommended method, but it's the best way to find out if the engine has used/lost any oil. You can expect the reading to be lower when the engine is cold.

Having said all that, I personally wouldn't be concerned about a reading of 1 mm above the maximum mark.

Edited by L'escargot on 20/01/2009 at 10:12

99t 1.9td too much oil - Dynamic Dave
I personally wouldn't be concerned about a reading of 1 mm above the maximum mark.

99t 1.9td too much oil - Peter D
The oil would expand that much from cold, when they filled it to hot when you checked it. 1mm is not a problem. Regards Peter