I noticed some oily spattering on the offside of swmbo's Astra this pm. A quick once over sees the whole of the o/s wheel arch lined with something, but nothing on the wheel/tyre. Engine oil a bit low, and topped up accordingly, no sign of any surplus oil in the engine compartment
She had recently filled up, so first thoughts are a diesel spill at the local superstore. The car is now parked 'wrong way round' on the drive, and there is a fresh small, oily patch under the back of the wheel are which smells of fresh engine oil.
I'm hoping it is something she picked up at the garage (though surprised to see nothing on the tyre, it's no more than a mile away). Any other ideas ?
Edited by Pugugly on 14/09/2008 at 21:20
Surprising how much oil can be dropped by others when they are parked so hopefully she has just driven through quite a puddle of the stuff. Driveshafts aren't coated in gearbox oil are they?
front wheel arch, no sign of oil elsewhere.
Isn't the oil filter just inside the front offside wheelarch ?
If it's definitely engine oil, the oil pump is just inside the driver's side wheelarch, and the gaskets of these have been known to fail suddenly.
The oil filter is nearer the bellhousing, almost on the vehicle's centreline.
and she's off on her 100+ mile commute to work already....
sounds like it could be the outer drive shat rubber boot, has split. centrifugal force then throws it all out into the wheelarch.