The German chappie ( Frank Hansel )promised to send me a photo and some detail but I have not yet heard from him.
He wants about £100 uk. I got his email as he was advertising used Beckers on the US Ebay . The US models do not use RDS.
I think one of the differences is the later models have a rotary volume control whereas the older ones have an up & down switch
I suspect he has some trade or factory connection as the model are not the latest but at that price I am not bothered.
Becker have told me that model will work ok in the UK.
As the current model is £500+ even when discounted the German connection is worth considering.
Let me know if we are sharing the same seller.
Yup,same seller-wants $150 USD which I guess is roughly equivalent to your L100--what,by the way IS the new model(2340?)
I thought the US models had RDS also (I know my cd deck,a Blaupunkt "Casablanca",does...)anyway...thanks for the info,erik
Yup,same seller-wants $150 USD which I guess is roughly equivalent to your L100--what,by the way IS the new model(2340?)
I thought the US models had RDS also (I know my cd deck,a Blaupunkt "Casablanca",does...)anyway...thanks for the info,erik
Hi again,
The latest Becker Mexico pro (4527 cassette ,4627 CD ) have two round knobs for volume and OK/select rather than the up/down switch type.
I am not an expert but I thought that the US did not enjoy RDS transmissions. There are also some minor variations on the wave lengths also. Best to check if you are buying for the US market.
There is a Becker US forum and FAQ's at
where you will get more expert advice than I can give.
Good luck