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Skoda servicing - graham sherlock
Just received a missive last week from the Skoda dealer, or ex-dealer as they are now, in Ipswich. They no longer have the Skoda dealership, bum thinks I, but never mind, Skoda must be setting up a nice spanking new garage in Ipswich, just like the one you see on the advert. I fire off an e-mail asking Skoda UK where the Octavia service centre is gonna be. Attleborough in Norfolk say they. A mere 36 miles one-way. I don't think so.

Methinks Skoda are taking the michael here, or a case of losing touch with their customer base. Shame really, as I quite like the Octavia when it gets moving.
Skoda servicing - Armitage Shanks{P}
It isn't much comfort to you but how many Rover dealers do you think there are in the Czech republic, or wherever Skodas are built? I know they are advertised a lot here and you would expect some level of back-up but there are 200 dealers within UK. It is just unlucky that you now don't live very near to one of them.
Skoda servicing - TrevorP
Funny you should say that, the new local Skoda dealer near me used to be, guess what? a R***r dealer.
Skoda servicing - Flat in Fifth
Also not good that the Skoda website is not that helpful in finding dealers, plus not that up to date.

Eg it shows Cattermoles in Ipswich which I presume is the dealer you are on about. If you want to expand the search all it does is give you a complete alphabetical list, maybe splitting the country down to about 6 areas.

Plus I can think of another place in West Mids which is nominally a dealer acc to Skoda, yet when you get there is an extremely dodgy s/h car lot and obviously has been so for quite some time.

Could be worse, run a Volvo in Moscow and you have to go to Estonia to get it serviced...... and then take it to Finland to get it serviced again but this time properly!

Skoda servicing - Armitage Shanks{P}
My local (East Midlands) Rover dealer has retained his staff but changed franchise to Suzuki!
Skoda servicing - Graham
I was extremely pleased with my Felicia.

It did however seize the disc brake calipers twice in three years due to not being on the servicing schedule. I think that they should have offered something in good will, they said pads are consumable and not covered by guarantees or warrantees.

So for the sake of, say £35 as a token half payment, I bought my next car elsewhere.
Skoda servicing - RickyBoy
I choose to have mine serviced in Stevenage (from where it came as a demonstrator0 even though there are dealerships marginally closer to MK. (Ampthill/Aylesbury/Luton).Over the past 3.5 years they have served me well, seem willing and keen (youngish workforce) and always give me something to take away and play with for the day. It's going to be a 'fresh out of the box' 1.6 Ambiente tomorrow but hopefully they'll have a Superb on site to let me 'take round the block' too! I stick with these people because we've built-up a rapport. isn't that what main dealer servicing is all about? Having said that I got 'my mate John' to change the rear discs/pads for half the price two months ago!

A 72-mile round trip is nowt (for an annual service?). Make a day out of it. I've travelled 160+ miles in a morning simply to get '4 for the price of 3' tyres before now and thought nothing of it.

Ironically, I pass the VW/Audi/Skoda/Seat et al. HQ on a daily basis. What's my point? I don't know ? I've sent myself to zzz...
Skoda servicing - graham sherlock
No offence, but have you ever been to Attleborough?
Skoda servicing - RickyBoy
Bang on the A11 between Norwich and Thetford Graham? Er, point taken, although there do seem to be some Tropical Butterfly Gardens close to hand.

OK, point taken (repeat to fade)...
Skoda servicing - Graham
Ricky boy: They're the ones! I also thought that I had built a good relationship. Just goes to show!! I've had my VW serviced there too, and paid full wack for the Felicia originaly.
Skoda servicing - Graham
Whoops also meant to rant er say, that for all the good it did me "building a relationship" I might just as well got the car from a supermarket. There nobody gives a toss but at least you know where you stand and then service it yourself. I got b***** all for it when trading in anyway - despite being a brilliant car with a FSSH.
Skoda servicing - Godfrey H {P}
I'm shocked. I nearly bought a Skoda from that particular dealer last year. The thought of having to trail to Attleborough for service from where I live would have been an absolute nightmare. Good job I bought a different make of car because the Skoda driving position didn't suit my back!