Friend of mine is being offered by his tight fisted bosses a second hand company car.
To whit a 53 plate Jan 2004 registered AUDI A4 AVANT TDI Sport 1896cc.
We know its CO2 157g/km off the V5.
We know where to find list prices of NEW cars but where in hell do you find the list price of an old car?
Can anyone direct me to an historic database or alternatively give me the list price for the car as described above?
Parkers do it. The other option is an old copy of a contemporary magazine like What Car. I ,ay have one in the Archives.
CAR from July 03 says just shy of £22k.
That was a spooky thing a full write up on the then new 5 series.....:-( see you in an hour.
Go and get yourself a Jag XF PU! Cheer up. Life's too short not to enjoy it.
"Friend of mine is being offered by his tight fisted bosses a second hand company car."
If you friend feels they are tight fisted then turn down the job?
Our fleet (which is quite large) means there are always "spares" and when you first joint you might get one already available. Depending on original driver's mileage then we might keep for upto 4 years. But if you get an older car you know you will get a new one sooner rather than later.
Surprised he has the V5 as I'd have thought the company would keep that.
I'd have thought a well kept 2004 Audi A4 Avant TDI Sport is still a nice enough car.