1998 TD - Max speed screw - marty1979
Greetings to all, hope you had a great newyear. I wonder if anyone can help me, I know there is a max fuel screw inside the injector pump on my engine (18 70ps with lucas pump) but I need to knoe where the max speed screw is on the pump. The Haynes manual mentions it but doesn't show any pictures or mention the location. Many thanks

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 03/01/2008 at 18:47

1998 TD - Max speed screw - TurboD
I don't want to sound unhelpful, but meddling with injector pumps can lead to complete failure, and expensive rebuilds. That was the one item I never touched on my diesel. So be very careful with fidlling with the fuelling.
The throttle cable stop screw is not such a problem, to take up slack in cable etc, usually theway to find is follow the throttle cable to its stop, the arm to which it is attached will have a limiting screw to adjust its movement.
This would adjust 'tickover'
1998 TD - Max speed screw - marty1979
Hi there thanks for your reply. I didn't want to actually mess with any settings on the pump, I just needed to know where it is so I can check to see if anyone else has messed with it because when I manually move the accelerator arm, the rev's don't rise until it's moved about half an inch form it's stop. I totally agree with you, I would never touch anything that I know hardly anything about. Many thanks. Martin

Edited by marty1979 on 03/01/2008 at 19:34

1998 TD - Max speed screw - Peter.N.
Your problem is probably caused by slack in the cable. Gently pull the cable where it is attached to the throttle lever on the pump, if there is slack, adjust it. There is probably an adjustment to shorten or lengthen the outer cable.
1998 TD - Max speed screw - marty1979
Hi Peter.N. The cable is adjusted fine, there is just enough slack. When I move the throttle arm myself by hand, the rev's don't start to rise until it's been moved about half an inch from where it rests against the stop screw. The max speed screw is probably completely unrelated to this problem, but I have a feeling someone has had a play previous to me owning the car so it's just to put my mind at rest that everything is how it should be.
1998 TD - Max speed screw - Peter.N.
Ah right! Well if it was mine and it goes OK I wouldn't worry about it.
1998 TD - Max speed screw - drivewell
Can someone with experience of this engine help Marty out here? Could this be normal dead travel, or is it wear / fault?

Only diesel I had with a Lucas pump was my 405 ('91 vintage). And it was so long ago that I can't tell you whether the pump did this or not.
1998 TD - Max speed screw - marty1979
From what I have observed from driving this car for over 2 months is that is never smokes, it idles perfectly, and it sounds like a diesel should. When driving in normal conditions there is a point in the acceleration when it feels as if it's holding back, increasing the accelerator just changes the note of the engine, if I back off the pedal a bit it will start to pick up. All this happens at around a quater to half throttle.