Ford Focus - Ticking noise from tyre - joedavis1234

Hi there,

I have a 2015 Focus and recently noticed a slight "ticking" noise from the front right tyre whilst driving. It is very faint and doesn't always manifest itself, especially at higher speeds. I thought it may be a stone or nail in the tyre but after thoroughly checking, this was not the case.

I then jacked the car up and rotated the wheel to see if I could hear anything. I then noticed that there was something rolling around INSIDE the tyre as I turned the wheel. I imagine this may part of an old valve stem or similar.

Could this be the cause of the ticking? It may explain the fact I don't hear it after a certain speed due to the centrifugal force.

Also, is it safe to drive until I can get it to a tyre shop to get said object removed?

Thanks in advance.

Joe ??

Edited by joedavis1234 on 13/10/2021 at 18:22

Ford Focus - Ticking noise from tyre - Andrew-T

Also, is it safe to drive until I can get it to a tyre shop to get said object removed?

I would think a tick which you can only just hear would be hardly worth investigating, provided it is from something small inside the tyre. If it is from some contact between the wheel or braking system and the suspension, maybe get the car on a hoist for a proper look. But don't worry about driving there.

Ford Focus - Ticking noise from tyre - _

Have you checked for stones trapped in the tread.

Have had that a few time.

Ford Focus - Ticking noise from tyre - Andrew-T

Have you checked for stones trapped in the tread. Have had that a few time.

ORB, please read third sentence in the OP ... :-)

Ford Focus - Ticking noise from tyre - Bolt

I would think a tick which you can only just hear would be hardly worth investigating,

A tick from a tyre is annoying, and makes you think why its there, so possible it could be a broken pressure sensor if it has them, or valve breaking up so it is a good idea to find out why...imo

My tyres are always picking up stones in the tread, but they are easy to find and pull out, inside the tyre is a different thing

Ford Focus - Ticking noise from tyre - edlithgow

Can't see it being serious. I'm trying to picture a valve "breaking up" and I can't manage it.

Maybe a failure of my imagination.

I can picture a bearing breaking up, but if you are sure the source is inside the tyre it isn't that.

I suppose there might be a bit of wear to the inside surface of the tyre, so I'd want whatever it is out of there.

Maybe also a slight effect on balance. The wheel may have been balanced with this mystery object in place, but if it moves the balance might change.

Ford Focus - Ticking noise from tyre - Bolt

I'm trying to picture a valve "breaking up" and I can't manage it.

some old ones used to dry up around wheel on the inside and break up gradualy, it wasn`t that I know of regular, but imo was on those that were never replaced on tyre change, probably never know as OP not replied to answers yet ?