I am looking into buying a used Kia Venga. £6-7k. I am not originally from the UK, so all the finance steps are new and different from my country, Spain.
I have just confirmed and APR of 14.8% with Zuto for borrowing between £3000-7000 (I haven't decided yet about deposit amount) to be paid in 4 years.
I have checked with my bank (which doesn't leave a mark on my credit rate) and it is just slightly better )14.3%.
All of them seems to be very high to me. I have lived and worked in the UK for above 5 years. Zuto said I have a very good credit rate but a very short credit history, hence my APR.
I don't want to start requesting finance from others company, as it left a mark on my credit rate, making it worse.
is it a normal APR?
Is it worth to try a different finance company? Any suggestions?
Am I missing any evident step to get a better APR?
Any advice or comments are welcome
Edited by Prjpro on 12/05/2019 at 21:05