Very little use of Debit or Credit card - lift £300 and see how long it lasts. Use Debit or Credit card for internet purchases, Annual Car/House Insurance Premiums etc and any LARGE buys.
Write about 2 cheques per year and only have 5 x Monthly Direct Debits - Council, Sky, Telephone & BB, Energy.
A lot easier, no surprise Credit Card Bills - works for me as you know you are handing ove real money - not funny money!
Queuing behind someone paying for a sandwich with a CC
Another OAP who cannot remember the PIN Number and needs 3 x goes.
An old dear trying to pay the exact price in coin only to find she is 20p short and then hands over another £10 note!
Edited by Falkirk Bairn on 14/04/2015 at 15:10