Hi, many thanks for your comments, much appreciated. I have done a speed awareness course in the last 3 years so that option would not be offered. The answers that I have to your bullet points are as follows :
1). Someone else who was 'caught' emailed the West Yorks Camera Unit and suggested they might want to check the camera in question as not only did I get a speeding fine which I believe was innacurate, a few other people did too. They did reply to this persons email, this email reading :
Classification: OFFICIAL
Good afternoon, I have spoken to a technician who has advised that they are aware of an issue with this camera and the matter has already been reported to Truvelo for their engineer to make good.
Kind Regards xxxxx (xxxxx) West Yorkshire Police Prosecutions & Casualty Prevention unit Camera Section
I too have emailed the camera unit (29/01/21), and am awaiting a reply. So there certainly has been a problem with that particular camera.
2) The exceptional hardship option has already been used so not an option.
As for my earliest offence, the date of this was 29th April 2017, then 30th Sept 2017 and third was 7th May 2018.
Reading through this must make people think Im a terrible driver, but far from it,I'm 65 yrs old & I have been driving since 1972, up to 50k miles a year and never had an accident or a claim. Over the last 3 or 4 years they have put cameras up in so many new places in this area and I guess its taking some getting used to . Stupid thing is the fastest I was going in any of the 3 SP30's was 35mph.
Finally, and this is my biggest argument, IF I can get their photographic evidence then fine, nothing i can do, but if they refuse to provide me with that evidence then why the hell should I be banned for driving less than 30mph. I didnt pay the solicitor any money, they wanted at least £1000 - £2000 depending how much work they had to do.