Most recently answered hybrid cars questions

Can a self charging hybrid car be safely left unused for 2 weeks or more? Will it reliably start on return from a holiday.

Could you recommend the best buy for us? We're after a new hybrid car for a retired professional couple? We do approximately 5000 miles/year. Most of our traveling is local city running, except when we...

I have owned a 2008 Ford Focus 1.6 auto and it has proved reliable. I am disabled and think an estate car would be good as it would give me easier access for my mobility scooter. I have up to £20,000 to...

I am currently considering buying a Toyota Yaris Cross Hybrid, new or near-new. Are you aware of any significant reliability issues that might influence my choice?

My daughter has a 4 year old Suzuki Swift bought on finance but now needs a larger family friendly car with a bigger boot. She's looking for a second hand reliable economical to run car but is on a tight...

I'm looking for a small automatic car which could be a petrol hybrid. Probably a year or 2 years old, what would you recommend?

My daughter has just passed her test and is looking for an automatic, petrol, possibly self-charging petrol car. Her budget is £11,000. Could you please recommend a few cars for mainly town driving please?...

I have a twin axle Swift caravan of about 1.7t that I need to tow. In an ideal world I'd like an at least a 2.0 litre 4x4 with a high ride and diesel/electric that means I go electric most of the time,...

We are looking to buy a car with a budget between of between £8k to £12k. We will be covering between 4000 to 5000 miles every year. We are pensioners and so are looking for a reliable car that's easily...