Most recently answered v5c questions

I am about to buy a BMW 3-Series through Broadspeed (online).
The deal means the car would be registered first by the dealer and I would receive the V5 after approx 1-2 weeks, and be the second owner....

My partner and I are moving in together, she's selling her house. However in her garage is a car owned by her late partner who died four years ago. Frustratingly, he left no will or instructions and after...

I wish more people would understand that the staff at the DVLA are doing the best they can with, as you say, limited resources. I had to ask for two V5s for cars owned by an elderly relative suffering...

I have lost the registration document for my Volvo. Please can you advise me as to what I should do to obtain a replacement?

Just to add to the previous advice you gave about notifying the DVLA when you sell/part-ex a vehicle. I recently did a part-ex and the dealer kindly offered to send my Part 9 of the V5C registration document...

You probably think I'm paranoid but based on the DVLA's propensity to fine everyone for everything whenever possible I thought I'd better check with you to see if can offer any advice (other than to get...

I swapped my running moped for a spares or repair motorcycle. When I swapped we did not fill in the V5s or send them off because he did not have his V5 on him at the time and i forgot to get a receipt....

You recently published an email from a reader who had notified the DVLA of a change of vehicle keeper by email. Customers who submit an email enquiry regarding disposal, will receive a computer-generated...

I travel in my Motability car from London to Poland and wish to drive to Ukraine, but at the border they refuse me entry, saying the logbook of car is not correct. Because the car is on the Motability...

I've bought a motorcycle and the registration document has arrived from the DVLA, but it's saying its black and the bike is pearl white. What should I do?
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