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Car drivers need to concentrate and look out for motorcycles.
My wife was a nurse in a busy A&E hospital and she has seen some shocking after-effects of motorbike accidents, mainly caused by the actions of car drivers who were not concentrating on their driving. It’s amazing that a small proportion of idiot drivers do not realise the importance of being able to hear motorbikes coming. It’s like the man I wrote to you about who thinks that his speedo is one hundred percent accurate, therefore he is entitled to sit in the middle lane of the motorway. He is like some self-appointed policeman enforcing what he sees as a 70mph speed limit. Maybe a driver awareness course is what’s needed.
Asked on 10 August 2013 by LD, Shere, Surrey

Many thanks for a welcome breath of common sense and regard for your fellow man that has been absent from the selfish, pompous nimbyism of most of the emails I have received on this subject.
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