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Why do motorcycles illegally use loud exhausts to warn drivers of their presence?

You responded to PB of Newcastle upon Tyne by saying that noisy exhausts prevent motorcyclist injuries. Noisy exhausts are antisocial and in most cases illegal. Motorcycles have a horn to warn other motorists of their approach if required. Riders need to be defensive in their approach to other traffic, not make a racket wherever and whenever they go.

Asked on 3 August 2013 by DC, Colchester

Answered by Honest John
Bikers get from A to B faster than car drivers, use less fuel, cause less damage to the environment and to the road surface, and, being smaller, cause less damage to others if they crash. There are about 500,000 motorcycles on UK roads. 5000 bikers were seriously injured and 328 killed in 2012. There are about 35,000,000 cars, vans and trucks on UK roads. 8232 vehicle occupants were seriously injured and 801 killed in 2012. Work out the odds. And do not begrudge an honest attempt to save a few biker's lives by reminding car drivers that however dozy they may be about looking in their mirrors, motorcycle exhausts alert a sixth sense of the presence of a bike about to overtake them in traffic.
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