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Why do some drivers still hog the middle lane and cause accidents with motorcyclists?
While at a barbecue over the weekend, we met this rather sozzled, pompous man who proudly told everyone how he remained in the middle lane of the motorway if his speedometer told him he was travelling at 70mph. He complained of how much abuse he received from drivers behind him. I told him that he was actually travelling at about 65mph and it was no wonder he received so much abuse from drivers stuck behind him. After he had consumed more wine and food he told me I was talking rubbish and speedometers had to be accurate by law. I was staggered by the stupidity and ignorance of this man. I know the government has plans to fine middle lane hoggers and tailgaters. Maybe they should try to educate idiots like the man at the barbecue? By the way, the man’s wife would only drive her drunken husband home if he sat in the back seat. Obviously she was fed up with him as well.
Asked on 3 August 2013 by LD, Shere, Surrey.

I received about 20 emails from this man’s brethren who still failed to understand that the noise of a motorcycle exhaust awakes a sixth sense in dozy drivers not looking in their mirrors. They appeared obsessed about noise disturbing their peace on a Sunday afternoon and were not even remotely concerned that out of 500,000 motorcyclists in the UK, 5000 were seriously injured and 382 died last year alone.
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