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Omnibuslane edition
Regarding the recent e-mail about drivers not using bus lanes. I recently got done by a bus lane camera on a Sunday in South London. I had tried for about 20 miles in crawling traffic to keep to the rules, but I was finally caught out in what I thought was a left turn filter lane. The main problem is that bus lane timings are very inconsistent. Some apply every day, some weekdays, some Monday to Saturday, and all in varying time slots. It is a nightmare trying to read the signs and drive safely (something I suspect may be a hangover from good old anti-car Ken), but my overwhelming reaction is a sense of grievance and injustice, and a determination to go nowhere near our capital city unless there is no alternative. I imagine that those responsible took inspiration from the constantly changing speed limits you so often have cause to mention in your column.
Asked on 25 April 2009 by

It’s actually nothing new. All you have to do is watch Keith Allen playing the Sheriff of Nottingham on ‘Robin Hood’ to see where these conniving socialist politicians got their inspiration. Create laws rules and regulations that are impossible to comply with and you rake in the fines. The other factor, mentioned by M.H. of Rossendale and S.L. of Bromley amongst others, is that reading the tiny white on blue bus lane times distracts your attention from the road, possibly resulting in the running over of a recently alighted bus passenger. That’s another reason for avoiding bus lanes entirely.
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