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Bus lane fine
I was caught by a portable camera on a short, 175 metre stretch of bus lane, turning left into a side road, obstructing nobody, and actually relieving the jammed traffic in the outside lane. It was a busy dual carriageway. My defence is that at the start of the bus lane, scaffolding from a demolition site at left, stretching out to the kerb, completely obscured the bus lane sign at its start. The sign also being set back within a lay-by style bus stop made matters worse. Is my defence on sign-obscuration viable whilst building works continue?
Asked on 6 November 2015 by Thavorn Thai

If you can prove that the sign was obscured by photographic evidence then you could chance letting this go to a traffic penalty tribunal or to court and pleading your case. Take a lot of photos of the approach to the junction. Of course, if the scaffolding is now down and you can't photograph it, there's no point. Just pay the fine.
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