"She has now received a threatening letter stating she is to be sued for 'negligent driving'. "
Whilst making it clear I am in no way qualified legally, I would be very suspicious of this letter. You don't say who it's from, but if from the other driver then it seems highly dubious. Is he/she threatening to start a private prosecution? AFAIK, there is no offence of "negligent driving". The relevant offence would be "Dangerous Driving" or "Careless/Inconsiderate Driving" and I'm not at all sure that a prosecution for this sort of offence can be started by a private individual or even an insurance company - it's normally the police and Crown Prosecution Service.
However, I suppose the other driver could take your daughter to the Small Claims Court to get compensation for the damage she caused - but why bother, if they are covered by insurance?
To me it sounds just like a nasty letter, probably best ignored.
Someone more learned than me may wish to comment (DVD?)
Edit: Apparently it is perfectly possible for an individual to take out a criminal prosecution, but unlikely in view of the costs involved.
Edited by FP on 15/02/2013 at 18:48