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2003 Ford Focus 1.8 - Fuel pump issues - Vee-C


Yesterday, I bought a lovely 5dr 2003 ford focus 1.8 (petrol). It had worked perfectly on the test drive and passed its MOT fine.
However, when collecting it, it initially would not start. Turned out to be the fuel pump fuse which had blown (called out the AA) - possibly because the fuel level had got so low.

The AA seemed to think this was a common/minor problem and gave me a spare fuse.

The fuse blew again this afternoon after at least two hours of intermittent driving - stopped and started several times no problem.

Having phoned the garage, this seems to be an unusual problem.

Could it be the fuel pump and would this need replacing?

Does anyone have experience with this/been in a similar situation? Am slightly worried that the car may prove to be a very expensive mistake.

Many thanks in advance :)

2003 Ford Focus 1.8 - Fuel pump issues - elekie&a/c doctor

Seems to be a common issue when the weather gets hot.New fuel pump needed.Don,t think I would class this as an expensive mistake.remember the car is nearly 10 years old.hth

2003 Ford Focus 1.8 - Fuel pump issues - John F

Does anyone have experience with this/been in a similar situation?

I thought it might be helpful to resurrect this old thread for anyone out there driving old Foci. Our 2000 Focus 1.6 113,000m died suddenly in the A21 roadworks traffic jam; had stopped engine, wouldn't restart. RAC replaced blown 15amp fuse with a 30a, advised replace fuel pump asap. Started OK the next day but again failed to restart when engine warm but fuse still intact! Restarted after cooled down for half an hour so got home. There had been no previous sign it was on its last legs, e.g. difficulty starting or odd noises from the pump.

Message to old Focus owners - carry a spare 20a or 30a fuse - it's the third one down on the right in the fuse box, clearly shown in the handbook.

2003 Ford Focus 1.8 - Fuel pump issues - LordySumner

I Had a 2002 focus 2l petrol and same sort of story where not long bought it and driving along, went to Salisbury and parked outside as missus went in and I switched it off. when she came back out I fired it up and it immediately died. after a long investigation by myself with no tools I found the fuel pump fuse had blown. put new one in and away we went. but this happened a few times and having read it's quite a common thing for when the fuel pump is on its way out to start blowing he fuse. I wasbt to sure on this but then needless to say, half way to Birmingham from Lincolnshire after a week of it not happening, fuel pump failed on the M6. so yeah all good with new fuel pump

2003 Ford Focus 1.8 - Fuel pump issues - amyamandaallen

The problem is theres no access panel under the back seat to get the pump out and for wanted about £400 to drop the tank etc. But if you are interested there is an alternative and its not that hard. PM me.

2003 Ford Focus 1.8 - Fuel pump issues - John F

The problem is theres no access panel under the back seat to get the pump out and for wanted about £400 to drop the tank etc. But if you are interested there is an alternative and its not that hard. PM me.

You are being fleeced. It should not take a competent mechanic more than an hour to do this.

I have just paid a very reasonable labour £80 and parts £125 (+vat) for dropping the tank, replacing the pump (yes, I know they are on ebay for £60 but I didn't quibble) and fuel filter. There was surprisingly little debris in the 16yr old original but it was hard to blow through it so I suspect it was giving the pump a hard time.

You could do it yourself with tinsnips from above (see utube - prise up a flap below the back seat) if you felt like it - I didn't!

In retrospect, if I had replaced the filter at 60,000m as recommended, it might have lasted longer. Mea culpa.

2003 Ford Focus 1.8 - Fuel pump issues - galileo

In retrospect, if I had replaced the filter at 60,000m as recommended, it might have lasted longer. Mea culpa.

John F, I was truly shocked to read that from you!

2003 Ford Focus 1.8 - Fuel pump issues - John F

In retrospect, if I had replaced the filter at 60,000m as recommended, it might have lasted longer. Mea culpa.

John F, I was truly shocked to read that from you!

Ha ha - as well as challenging dogma I'm always happy to share and learn from mistakes; that's how we get better at things. Must admit I've never ever changed a filter even on high milers and this is the first time I've had a pump problem. However, the pump itself has an intake filter so there's not much for the subsequent filter to do, especially as plastic has replaced metal for fuel tanks and probably more attention is paid to the cleanliness of fuel at petrol stations these days. PS 16yr old belts still going strong....;)