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Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - daveyK_UK

I see alot of 02-08 Vectras around, especially as taxis.

Why are these cars considered so unreliable?

I though by the sheer number they would prove to be easy to repair and get parts for?

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - skidpan

Easy to repair and get parts for does not make a car reliable. A reliable car does not need parts or repairing.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - madf

Quote "by the end of production, the Vectra was as good as the Cavalier"..

Say no more then.

GM are not noted for their engineering ability .

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - thunderbird

Most people would prefer the pox over a Vectra.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - RT

Most people would prefer the pox over a Vectra.

That doesn't make them unreliable though !!

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - unthrottled

GM are not noted for their engineering ability .

This tired old cliche rears its ugly head again. Any idiot can design a car that will last forever simply by picking bottom of the page products from their suppliers. Unfortunately the car will become so expensive that the only people who will buy it are insecure old people who are frightened of everything and put 'peace of mind' above anything else.This just about describes most Honda/Toyota stuff. Who would pay 5 series money and end up with a naturally aspirated petrol Accord??

GM cars are built to a price-and sometimes it shows. But for the price, they are tough to beat. As ever, the magnitude of a problem is not well represented on internet forums.

Vectras appear to be terribly unreliable simply because there are so many of them in the first place so if even a tiny percentage of them a faulty, that is a large number of cars.

Stateside, The Cadillac VTS and the Corvette C6arer fully competitive against more 'advanced' cars that cost twice as much. GM can't engineer cars?

Edited by Avant on 09/07/2013 at 22:31

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - thunderbird
Stateside, The Cadillac VTS and the Corvette C6arer fully competitive against more 'advanced' cars that cost twice as much. GM can't engineer cars?

They are only competitive in the States where relatively few people appreciate good enginnering and quality. Add to that they are cheap, for a good reason.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - unthrottled

They are only competitive in the States where relatively few people appreciate good enginnering and quality

Must be why the USA ais the largest market for "quality" brands like BMW, Porsche, Honda, Toyota etc. Because everyone in the US is an inbred red neck who is married to his sister and drives a '56 3/4 tonne.

The new Corvettes do handle and go round corfners. The ZR1 is quicker round the 'ring than a 911. Much cheaper too. Faster, quicker and morre fuel efficient. Which one is properly engineered?

Edited by unthrottled on 08/06/2012 at 12:54

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Collos25

The 1.9 diesel of Fiat design suffered from oil strainer and pump problems frequent oil changes seems to be the answer,the 2.2 petrol suffered many problems although I had one and it never missed a beat take a look on the Vectra forums and you see no more tails of woe than any other car and at least parts are plentiful and cheap.The reason you see lots as hire cabs is that they are a large car and cheap to buy.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - madf

GM cars are built to a price-and sometimes it shows. But for the price, they are tough to beat. As ever, the magnitude of a problem is not well represented on internet forums

1.2litre engines anyone?

The Vectra was dynamically worse than the Cavalier.

Engine ECUs built into diesel fuel pumps requiring dealer recdoing.when replaced. £Nearly £2k a pop.

I rest my case.

As for caliming GM cars in the US represent good engineering, ROFL:-)

Edited by madf on 08/06/2012 at 12:45

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - unthrottled

1.2litre engines anyone?

Around 05/56 they had a problem with the camshafts being incorrectly torqued. Other than that the 1.2 twinport is a very tough and durable engine.

I'd ask what Honda's or diesels are like, but I don't think the Japs have even heard of the word. Are they still buying their diesels from someone else?! LOL.

Edited by Avant on 09/07/2013 at 22:32

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - mum2atoddler

This Doris is very happy with her Honda diesel thanks and this Doris was very unhappy with her last Vauxhall. At least I stand half a chance of getting where i want to go now!. And I'm far removed from a Doris as you can get ;-)

(Edit: original reference to Doris above removed because it was complained about as offensive)

Edited by Avant on 09/07/2013 at 22:34

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - injection doc

I owned vauxhalls for over 20 years and they were brilliant, Carltons, Senators etc gave me fantatsic service and were fantastic to drive, i also had three Cavalier Sri 130's and the service they gave me was outstanding and the pulling power and economey was fabulous. Oh dear I then changed to an Omega V6 and vectra SRi 140.

Both were horrendous, Omega whilst under warranty and the vectra just as it got to 70K everything went wrong for the next 2 years! appalling car, appalling quality, didnt drive anywhere near as good as the cavalier and the fuel consumption was abysmil ! 26-29 and 36 on a run whereas the cavalier would average 44mpg and had loads more grunt than the Vectra.

Vauxhall like many other car manufactures I think just bought the cheapest parts possible or their testing wasnt thourough and if any one thought it was a good idea to put an ECU in a diesel pump with heat and vibration they must of needed their heads testing ! the decline of the Vauxhall , may be Top Gear where right !

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - madf



are two recent reports of appalling Vauvhall service and "customer care".- or rather lack of it.

Took 2 minutes to find them..

Any normal company would be ashamed.

Edited by madf on 08/06/2012 at 14:11

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - RT

Volume car manufacturers will always have more risk of bad examples - but if Vauxhalls were as bad as some claim the fleets wouldn't buy them and private buyers wouldn't keep going back for more.

My family have had Vauxhalls for nearly 30 years now, from Nova's to Senator's and everything in between - my son still drives the s*** out of a Vectra-C Estate and he hasn't broken it yet.

If Isuzu were still building Vauxhall's SUVs instead of Daewoo, I'd still be in a Vauxhall now myself.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - unthrottled

Yes, not standing behind your product is appalling. But Vauxhall is hardly unique in that respect.

MB tuned out some pretty shoddy cars (which everyone conveniently blames on Chrysler, even though Chrysler came out of the merger at least as damaged as MB). Nissans don't appear to be as reliable as they once were. (Of course this is all Renault's fault). The simple fact that Nissan's line up of reliable but achingly dull Bluebirds, Primeras, Sunnys, Almeras con't p94 was the recipe for a one way trip to bankruptcy is again overlooked.

I accept that Toyota and Honda are very good cars. I accept that their customer service is second to none. I admire the fact that they don't demean themselves with phoney discounting.

But they are much, much more expensive than an equivalent GM product. A £25K Accord is better than a £15K vectra. Who knew?

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - focussed

"I'd ask what Honda's or diesels are like, but I don't think the Japs have even heard of the word. Are they still buying their diesels from someone else?! LOL."

You can laugh out loud as much as you like UT-but the big H have their very own diesels-the automotive ones are made just down the road from you, in Swindon. Don't rightly know where the other ones are made though.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - unthrottled

Yes, that is indeed true!

I was very surprised by that. They're pretty good too!

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Collos25

Do Honda have a casting plant at Swindon ?

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Auristocrat

Do Honda have a casting plant at Swindon ?

Yes - see http://mfg.honda.co.uk/

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Collos25

I have read the info from the link but unless I am missing something it does not say that Swindon has a casting plant only the engineering division makes the tools for casting and exports them to where they make the castings.

It would be nice to think they actually did the heavy engineering in Swindon perhaps somebody can confirm they do.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Auristocrat

The simple fact that Nissan's line up of reliable but achingly dull Bluebirds, Primeras, Sunnys, Almeras con't p94 was the recipe for a one way trip to bankruptcy is again overlooked.

What built up Nissan's unmanagable debt in the 1990's, was their intention to compete with and beat Toyota in every market. They failed, and had to enter into the alliance with Renault, in order to reduce their burden of debt. The alliance with Renault wasn't a take-over.

The Primera - though nothing special to look at - was an excellent driver's car. Nissan entered the series 2 into the BTCC, and won the manufacturers title in 1998.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Johmon

you're correct

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Engineer Andy

you're correct

You're 7 years late...

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - bonzo dog

I see alot of 02-08 Vectras around, especially as taxis.

Why are these cars considered so unreliable?

Because if enough people & the media say something enough times then enough people believe it

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - barney100

I see alot of 02-08 Vectras around, especially as taxis.

Why are these cars considered so unreliable?

Because if enough people & the media say something enough times then enough people believe it

That's the truth if it to a great degree. Fiat, Vauxhall, Nissan, Mercedes all have suffered from this syndrome.
Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - farmideas

My experience: 57 plate Vectra 1.9 CDi diesel bought 18 months old for £7,000 with 14k. Now 172,000 MPG 56. repairs: DMF flywheel at 90,000 cost £800. Windscreen wiper rack. 4th set tyres and second set brakes, discs changed at 140,000 I drive it sensibly, a lot of motorway. I don't like the 20k Vauxhall service intervals, change oil at 10k. They said the gearbox oil never neeeded changing, but got the local garage to do it and the result is superb. Much easier changing, less noise. I'd say it was a good car. I read of people with BMWs who have quite serious problems before 172,000 miles, and many wear more tyres and brakes. It's quite comfortable, not noisy, and fits like a glove actually. The dealers want me to change to a newer car, but why? This bus doesn't owe me too much now!!

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Avant

Injection Doc's experience above is interesting: he might have said exactly the same if he'd had a series of Saabs rather than Vauxhalls. Maybe the dead hand of GM instituted short-termist economising of components across the whole business at that time.

I've never owned a Vauxhall in 40+ years, and I can't say I'm ashamed of that - but I came quite close with the Mark 2 Cavalier, one of the best cars Vauxhall ever made and one which was genuinely fun to drive, especially with a 2-litre engine. The Vectra lost that quality somehow, as well as the good reputation for reliabilty.

(The birth of our fourth child knocked out the Cavalier from the list - we needed more seats.)

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Collos25

I think they lost their reputation with the first Victor and the Cresta/Velox never to be full regained. I have an aquaintance with a new Astra I can only say what a boreing car and I test drove a Cruze what an under powered load of boredom I thought my works Citroen 5 1.6hdi was underpowered put it is a positive racing car by comparison.

Edited by Collos25 on 09/06/2012 at 09:48

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - jamie745

The 02-08 Vectra isn't any more unreliable than any other reasonably priced mass produced car.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - RicardoB

I think Clarkson might be part of the reason - his comments years ago. (I like him, by the way and agree with most of what he comes out with)

The early Vectra C's were somewhat lacking, but the facelifted ones from around about 2005 were improved. And likewise, the first Vectras from the mid-90s that replaced the Cavalier, were very poor, compared to the Cavalier, but it improved over the years with its facelifts. (Which is not something to be proud of GM - introducing replacements not as good as the car it replaced)

OK, I'm biased, because I own a Vectra C - my choice, my money! It does the job competently. And as others have said, look at the sheer numbers of this and other mass market cars sold and around, and you will always get seeminly high numbers of poor reports. And OK, the flywheel is starting to go, a spring broke and the alternator went after 75,000 miles, but so do other makes'.

It's a bit like those JP Power/Which type "reliability reports" that every now and again say that some relatively small selling car is the most reliable with the lowest number of complaints. It's amazing what you can do with statistics.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - RT

Clarkson's comments on the Vectra-B were entirely justified - it was an inferior car to the Cavalier mk3 (Vectra-A) that preceded it. The Vectra-C (2002-on) was a much better car but the reputation stuck.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - akr

I've said this before. I've had loads of Vauxhalls and overall, they've been just as (if not more) reliable than all the VWs I've had. The reputation for unreliability perhaps comes from that 1.9 CDTi engine which has a lot of issues. My 2 Saabs with this engine caused me exactly the problems predicted by HJ in his model by model breakdown.

The Corsas and Astras I had (either old school diesel or petrol) were all spot on. And the dealers were generally better than the VW ones I've experienced. Not as flashy but entirely functional and always did the job.

I'll get panned for saying this no doubt but I'd say 90% of anti-Vauxhall feeling in this country is down to snobbery. For some reason we think VW is more upmarket than Vauxhall. Not in Germany it ain't but Brits seem to think it is.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Tonto1

In our family, we've had a Vectra and Corsa in the past. I would agree with akr that the dealers were better than most, but both cars gave us a fair amount of grief. The corsa never left us stranded, but suffered multiple small anoyances e.g. EGR issues, central locking failures. As for the Vectra, it just started to rust/fall apart at just 3 years of age - despite plenty of TLC. However, both cars were better than the VW Polo and Golf that they replaced (cars no end of hassle - became best mates/swapped Xmas cards with RAC, all made worse by local dealers who were amazingly bad).

It's all a bit of a pity. Most Vauxhalls don't look bad and in the main tend to be a good blend of practicality and economy, but the engineering just isn't up to scratch with the likes of Honda/Toyota and a host of others. I suspect the reason you see so many knocking about on fleets and subsequently as cabs, is that they can pick them up at very good prices and, in the case of cabs, run them to destruction.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - John Boy

I've said this before. I've had loads of Vauxhalls and overall, they've been just as (if not more) reliable than all the VWs I've had. The reputation for unreliability perhaps comes from that 1.9 CDTi engine which has a lot of issues. My 2 Saabs with this engine caused me exactly the problems predicted by HJ in his model by model breakdown.

The Corsas and Astras I had (either old school diesel or petrol) were all spot on. And the dealers were generally better than the VW ones I've experienced. Not as flashy but entirely functional and always did the job.

I'll get panned for saying this no doubt but I'd say 90% of anti-Vauxhall feeling in this country is down to snobbery. For some reason we think VW is more upmarket than Vauxhall. Not in Germany it ain't but Brits seem to think it is.

You didn't get panned and I'm inclined to agree with you.

I'd be curious, however, to hear any evidence you have for your last statement.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Rochdale Pioneers

I had two of them as company cars. First one was a 52 plate 2.0 diesel LS. Did 99k miles in it with nothing more than niggly faults to annoy me - collapsing drivers seat base was the worst. Then the car saved my life when I had a high speed head on smash with a 3.5ton van doing an illegal overtake.

Second one was an 07 plate Exclusiv with the 150hp 1.9 engine. Superb powertrain but spoiled by needing a new clutch and DMF at 90k miles.

Lets put it like this. I won't have another Vauxhall.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - ChannelZ

Facelifted Vectra C is a good car, very hard to beat. I really liked mine, far better car then the shed I replaced it with (Mk3 Mondeo). The Vectra was far more reliable.

After two years running the Mondeo, I'm back in a Vauxhall, my 6th, and my 4th Astra. I'm glad to be back, really. 2007 1.7 diesel, top spec Elite with 66k on the clock for a little over £5k from main dealer. Leather heated seats, climate, auto everything, Isuzu engine, old Getrag box, no DPF or DMF....I plan on keeping it a long time. Done 1500 miles in the month I've had it, 1000 of that in a week and it's perfect.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Theunisse

Most of it is down to marque snobbery. My partner drives an 11 year old Corsa 1.0 and it has been spot on. There isn't a drop of rust on it and it never lets her down. Not exciting to drive, but it's a 1.0 so can't expect it to be. A colleague at work has a pretty new Golf and he's forever popping up to the science prep room for some deionised water to top up the coolant. But the adverts said no car is as reliable as a Volkswagen so it must be true - everyone in Britain seemed to believe them...

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - John Boy

I've just posted in this topic, quoting a previous post, but my post is not at the bottom of the page. Why is that?

Edit - it depends which post you reply to. If you want yours to go to the bottom, reply to the original post. If you rely to another post, it'll go underneath that unless someone else has replied to that post.

Edited by Avant on 27/06/2012 at 21:40

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Collos25

1.7 engine in a Vectra surely it should be a 1.9 from the Fiat stable and they were using DMF long before 2007.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - madf


says it all.

Poor reliability.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - RT

But every independent in the country can fix Vectras quickly and cheaply - which makes a mockery of Warranty Direct figures which are always costed at franchise rates and times.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - madf

But every independent in the country can fix Vectras quickly and cheaply - which makes a mockery of Warranty Direct figures which are always costed at franchise rates and times.

Err not if it's fuel punp on a 2.0 DTI- £1500 plus programming costs.

It's rather like saying our car keeps breaking down but an AA membership gets us there.

In this day and age, cars should NOT fail due to design/manufacturing defects.. Vauxhalls apparently do more than teh average so they ARE unreliable.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - RT

I had many Vauxhalls for 20+ years with few problems - our delinquent son is currently beating the carp out of a Vectra-C and can't break it - despite it having the notoriously unreliable Fiat 1.9 diesel.

As a geriatric petrol head, I learnt decades ago that "reputations" are just unsubstantiated hearsay - both good and bad.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - madf

FACTS are unaswerable and individuals can always have good or bad experiences with nay maker.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - RT

Where are the facts?

Warranty Direct only publish figures from people who buy their warranties who are a) a minority of car buyers and b) unrepresentative.

Now if Ford, Vauxhall, VW etc all published detailed figures of THEIR warranty claims then we might see some facts - but that's company confidential of course.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Collos25

Would you believe one word Warranty Direct told you?

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - RT

Would you believe one word Warranty Direct told you?

Yes - but they're still just an insurance company publishing their OWN claims figures.

Their statistics don't even take into account that different cars have different length of manufacturers warranty - when they can't possibly be in Warranty Direct's figures - ie 1/3/5/7 years.

A brand with a 1year manufacturers warranty will appear to be much better than say Kia with a 7 year warranty because the only Kia's will be the 8+ year old cars which naturally fail more than the 2-7 year old cars from another brand.

This is the problem with statistics - you need to understand what data has been collected to determine what it can globally be applied to as an accurate indicator.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - madf

Would you believe one word Warranty Direct told you?

I am more inclined to believe WD's figures than a load of reminiscences by a bunch of Vauxhall owners - largely trying to justify - in my view- their purchase of a second rate car.

(And I comment having read the Car Mechanics article on the 2.0DTI - a truly apalling design It woudl appear from most remarks many of the above posters have not any idea of what a load of junk it is.)

Edited by madf on 27/06/2012 at 17:48

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Collos25

Have you ever owned or run one over a considerable period.How on earth can you hold any credence of a biased report that repersents about .01% of the total vehicles produced.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - madf


And here is another study:


which confirm the same results.

For your information the Vectra is last in the list which = BAD.. (not good)

But hey: don't let ignorance and lack of research stop you posting against me:-)

Edited by madf on 28/06/2012 at 10:22

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - RT

Another lack of understanding of the statistics !

JD Power measures owners opinions against their expectations - it doesn't measure actual reliability.

That's why it's often the cheapest cars with least expectation that do well in JD Power.

Human nature seems to want to take a set of figures meaning one thing and pretend they mean something else - I guess we're all conditioned to the way politicians work.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - John Boy

Avant said:

Edit - it depends which post you reply to. If you want yours to go to the bottom, reply to the original post. If you rely to another post, it'll go underneath that unless someone else has replied to that post.

Thanks, Avant, I somehow missed that because the topic took off again. It seems as if the Quote facilty is a bit redundant then, unless the member you're responding to keeps re-reading the topic from the begining or from their last post.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - bonzo dog

The issue with WD's statistics is not their truthfullness (I'm perfectly happy to belive them) but that their statistical sample is so small; from memory it says a minimum of (only) 50 is required to enter the index.

Also, the reliability index takes into consideration repair costs as well as actual claims. Indeed they use the phrase "would imply that the frequency of failure is low" & don't as far as I can see actually state the actual number of claims per vehicle

Saying that however, I agree with their Manufacturer ratings with the exceptions of Daewoo & Smart (too high) & Alfa (should be below Yugo & Lada)

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - madf

http://www.honestjohn.co.uk/carbycar/vauxhall/vectra-c-2002/?section=bad tells you about the lack of reliability..

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Collos25

I refer to my previous post.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - daveyK_UK

2 quick questions. Do all Vectra's suffer coil spring and rear shock absorber failure around once every 2 years? Vectras built from 2002 up until the face lift seem to have a high failure rate of CIM modules, why didnt Vauxhall recall them for this fault? Its a safety critical fault which all of sudden can make driving dangerous with the lost of dials, horn ,lights, wipers, etc.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Collos25

Renault have problem with there electronic dashboards many other cars have inherent problems but in such small ratios compared with the numbers made.I ran a Signum 2.2 petrol for 75k in the UK bought in 2005 not a bit of bother lets face it they would not sell milions if they were so bad

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - PatrickO
I bought a 54 plate Vectra GSi pre reg just before the new facelift came out for £14k, list was £21k from a Vauxhall dealer.

It's done 90k miles now and the only things that have gone wrong after about 5 years have been the air blowers stopped working due to some electrical fault and the windscreen wiper motor needed replacing.

The 3.2 v6 engine is a peach.

The gear box could be smoother and you can't chuck it round a track as Clarkson would say but most people don't care about that.
Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Veccy
All I can do is speak of my experience of a vectra c 1.9 cdti 150 bhp.
I bought the car in 2009 from Hurst in belfast . It had 16 k miles and was approx9 months old. At 50k the altenator and flywheel were changed. The garage picked up on the flywheel and I had noticed that the battery lightt coming on on two occasions ' but when I turned on and off the car all would be ok.
Since then the car has been faultless. I have 130k miles on the clock and the car is like new. So at 130k miles and it has not cost me a penny. The car never fails to start or broke down. I change the oil and filter every 10 k and never use 6th Gear unless on motorway doing at least doing 70 mph . I am a hard driver' but thr vectra can handle it.. before the vectra I had a tdci 130 mondeo ghia and had cost me about 2k at the same mileage between bushes,pulleys'hand break, callapers etc.
The vectra is doing a consistant 50 mpg. Maybe I am lucky but to me the vectra is great. I think the vec looks good in sri trim. Boring interior though.
Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Graham567

I had a 1.8 Exclusive petrol Vectra from brand new and it needed a new clutch at 2500 miles(design fault) and a new thermostat at 8000 miles.At 15000 the engine was making a funny sound so i got rid of it just before the warranty ran out.

I now have a Ford Mondeo Titanium X diesel and have had it 3 years now with absolutely nothing going wrong in that time.

I would never buy another Vauxhall again.

So in my experience Vectra's ARE unreliable.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - RT

I had a 1.8 Exclusive petrol Vectra from brand new and it needed a new clutch at 2500 miles(design fault) and a new thermostat at 8000 miles.At 15000 the engine was making a funny sound so i got rid of it just before the warranty ran out.

I now have a Ford Mondeo Titanium X diesel and have had it 3 years now with absolutely nothing going wrong in that time.

I would never buy another Vauxhall again.

So in my experience Vectra's ARE unreliable.

It's easy to see how single bad experiences can influence our buying decisions for ever - we bought an out of warranty Vectra with 26,000 on and my son has driven it now for 40,000 merciless miles without any issues.

I had a Mondeo as a courtesy car after an accident - it was the worst car I've driven in 40 years - the last decent Ford I had was a mk2 Escort!

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Chris79

I drive a 07 corsa d 1.3cdti and a 2010 a4 2.0tdi. It seems that on most days this forum is intent on bashing vag products, but today it seems that it is the turn of GM/Vauixhall.

IMHO the Audi feels like a better engineered product than say the equivalent Insignia. However dont forget that the Insignia carries a hefty price advantage.You will be considerably in pocket if you pick the Insignia. If these Vauxhall products are so bad then why are there so many Vectra taxis. We regularly use them at work and the firm in question have had some issues with the 6 speed gearbox. This apparently seems to manifest around the 200k mark, a mileage that most members of the public wont ever reach. Yes these taxis do also feel a little tired after 200k miles, certainly more so than the e class merc i sat in the other day with 275k on the clock, however when you look at the initial purchase cost of a vectra second hand people need to realise how much car they are getting for the money. To think that Vauxhalls are the only brand that suffers expensive problems is madness:

VAG: ABS Sensors

BMW: Swirl Flaps

The list goes on. Personally also agree with unthrottled on the Honda front. They may be well engineered but you pay for it. Some people, me for one would rather pay much less up front and take a chance, Or if I am going to spend big money i wouldnt buy a honda instead choosing an audi because it is just a nicer place to sit in for the money.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Collos25

Totally agree the problems with the Vectra pale into insignificance when compared to the disastrous problems that BMW have suffered over the years and yet these are perceived as good cars.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Snakey

From personal experience (3 Vectra C's from 54 plate to 08 plate) I've found them fine for reliability. I've had a few niggles like with any car and they seem more prone to snapping suspension springs than most cars but otherwise no real issues.

The fact I've had three is because they're cheap to buy, reasonable to drive and can be fixed anywhere. I've had VWs,Renaults, Jaguars, Citroens, Toyotas and wouldn't touch them again as they were more troublesome than the vectras! All personal experience of course though.

Out of all the mass manufacturers I've experienced I would buy Vauxhall, Ford, Kia and Subaru again.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - jag78

Tbh ive run around in my 04 vectra c for coming up to 4 yrs now and its never let me down . Its sailed thru its mot every time except for usual wear n tear apart from a dodgey intermitant abs sensor fault its been brill I couldn't fault it esp for the money. Wish the same could be said about other more expensive cars like merc c or land rover disco that was a complete nightmare and with the latter I ended up with a bill that effectively wrote it off 4500 id never touch either again.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - vmturbo

A friend has one and he is so exasperated with it that he is considering scrapping it. When bought it seemed to run OK and it returned a good mpg but at the MOT it was a failure on Oxides Of Nitrogen being a tad too high. Two new Lambda sensors were bought but the car was exactly the same. As electrical items cannot be returned that was £180 down the toilet. A drive-by-wire expert was then hired but he said that as there were no fault codes the fault might be the MAF. Another £90 was spent on a new MAF and the car then passed its MOT.

With the benefit of hindsight it has been discovered that the hot wire in the MAF can usually be cleaned OK by putting oven cleaner on it overnight. Allegedly dust in the atmosphere burns onto the hot wire and insulates it slightly from the airflow. This tiny amount of dust is however enough to make the car run lean, give a higher burn temperature thus more NOX hence an MOT failure.

After £300 to £400 was spent on the spares and the MOT, the car began to hesitate on acceleration. The throttle body was cleaned to no avail then another throttle body was purchased from a vehicle dismantlers. Unfortunately the car is still the same.

Possibly there is a wiring loom fault that only occurs when the engine moves under load. A friend had this years ago with a Ford Fiesta that refused to cross a hump-backed bridge!

As to the Vectra it looks as if getting to the bottom of the problem might need a rolling-road and a bunch of diagnostics but this is not an economic proposition.

If anyone can offer any useful advice we would be very interested.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - bananastand

By coinkydink I've just posted my own Vectra question, only I'm looking at the 3.2 V6. That or a Mondeo. Me Missis doesn't want a Mondeo, based on nothing except that she thinks it's boring. I suspect that once she has a go of driving it fast she might change her mind.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - greenhey

I had two vectra Cs, 150 1.9, from about 2005-2009.

In the end they both had the same problem. The car would simply go into "limp home" mode unexpectedly. Once it was in lane 3 of a busy M6; and particularly frightening, because my decceleration was not signaled to those behind via brake lights.

In both cases the fault was some electronics (wrongly) deciding fuel quality was not right.

I was amazed at 2 things:

1. A potentially dangerous fault was not subject to recall.

2. The fault reamined on a car that was two years newer.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - daveyK_UK

Was it the notorious CIM module failing?

I have spoken to a few cabbies with the Vectra C, they all shared CIM module failure.

As the previous post suggested, the failure can have an umber of serious safety implications.

The most common is the head lights, rear lights and brake lights coming on; thus preventing a car in the rear from being able to determine when the vectra in front is braking.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Stevewm

I read this email trail with interest and feel that I must comment. I have a vectra 2.0 petrol turbo which I bought new in 2003, its a 53 plate pre facelift model. I initially had concerns that if I kept the car over a year I may have problems with the Turbo.... how wrong was I...I was only going to keep the car for a year but enjoyed it so much I still have it. the car is about to celebrate its 10th birthday and so far it has had 1 set of front break pads and disks, 1 set of rear pads, 1 new clutch at 90000 miles, 2 new headlight bulbs and 3 rear indicator bulbs although these were only replaced because they are orange coloured bulbs and the MOT tester said that they were showing as too white for the MOT.

My vectra now has over 150000 on the clock and is still going strong

My wife keeps saying that I should change it, but it costs me nothing and still looks good and is an enjoyable drive, My daughter lives in Glasgow and we regularly jump in the Vectra to visit them its 376 miles and I get out at the other end disapointed that the journey is over, its so comfortable that I could turn around and drive home.

In fact we have done Carlisle to Glasgow and back in one day just under 600 miles no problems.

This car still puts a smile on my face, the performance puts it up with higher classed cars and as it is an SXI you can't see the twin exhauxsts, it really is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Newer flashier cars wonder why that old Vectra has left them standing, or is still keeping up with them.

0-60 in around 7 seconds and nearly 150 mph , Currently getting 36.6 to the gallon.

Unreliable ... grow up you Clarkson lovers if Vauxhall are so unreliable then why do over 95% of UK police forces use Vauxhalls.

My Vectra has never let me down, not like my friends Toyota, check the next car you see broken down on the motorway.

I have driven Fords, Nissans, Toyotas, BMW's Rovers to name a few and most other car makes as well but always have Vauxhalls as my own car of choice with my first being a HA Viva.

As a child we were involved in a serious crash and the police who attended said that it was only due to the cars structural strength that we had survived.

Jeremy Clarkson was on a one man mission to denegrate Vauxhall when he was on Fords pay roll, and did the marque untold damage, however even he now has to admit that they are good cars,,,,,, he even ate his own hair as a consequence of some of his stupid comments.

Vauxhall have a fine racing history going back to before the first world war, and recently dominated the BTCC until they pulled out in 2011, not may other car marques have this sort of history.

Last comment, I dont believe that there are many really bad cars out there these days and Vauxhall are definately not one of them.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Gordon17

In fact we have done Carlisle to Glasgow and back in one day just under 600 miles no problems.

What route do you take to make that 600 miles?

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - lordwoody

Carlisle to Glasgow is a 90 minute journey and about 95 miles each way.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - Stevewm

Sorry I should have qualified the we went from Carlisle to Glasgow then back to our home town a trip distance of just over 500 miles... but still a long drive in one day.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - jamie745

Jeremy Clarkson was on a one man mission to denegrate Vauxhall when he was on Fords pay roll, and did the marque untold damage, however even he now has to admit that they are good cars,,,,,, he even ate his own hair as a consequence of some of his stupid comments.

I'm unaware of Jeremy Clarkson ever being 'on Fords payroll' but we'll leave that aside for a moment.

Considering people like yourself often disregard Clarkson as a buffoon, it's remarkable how much credit you give him for supposedly harming car manufacturers. Do you really think he's that powerful?

Yes he hated the Vectra, he found it unnecessarily dull, didn't stop it selling. He dispises the Toyota Prius, but I don't see Toyota complaining because it's selling.

He loved the Alfa Romeo 156 but his viewpoint didn't change the fact nobody bought it.

Only Vauxhall fans and workers think Clarkson is so powerful & influential, to blame him for the Luton plant closing really was comical.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - kerbed enthusiasm

Slightly off-topic but...

We owned one of the last Cavaliers which was fitted with the fabulous Isuzu diesel. It was a great car and though it was a basic spec it was comfortable and well thought out. Our latest Vauxhall is a Meriva. It's supposedly safer but has dreadful blindspots and is both prone to nigges and difficult to work on. Ten years on from the Cavalier it feels as though the quality has regressed. I wouldn't rush to buy any Vauxhall now.

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - madf

Vauxhall? 1.0litre cam bolts and no recall is my memory.

Engineering incompetence and no concern for their customers... Buy their cars at your peril..

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - John Boy

For the record - I've just been through this topic looking at posts from members who've actually owned a Vectra. 11 of them were happy with it, 5 unhappy and 1 undecided. Doesn't that speak for itself?

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - daveyK_UK

That may be the case John boy,

but the Vectra owners forum does confirm the cars are not reliable and vauxhall customer service is non existent.

More concerning for Vauxhall is the Insignia which seems even more prone to component failure and it would appear is more difficult for a mechanic to work on.

Its hardly progress for Vauxhall when they went from a some what reliable cavalier to the unreliable vectra (all the vectras have proven to be unreliable) to the now unreliable Insignia.

You would expect Vauxhall to be improving their big car reliability not for it to be continuing.

Edited by daveyK_UK on 12/11/2013 at 23:24

Vauxhall Vectra C - Why is the 02-08 Vectra considered unreilable? - dan86

I was speaking to an American whilst in the Caribbean and we got on the subject of cars. He sad he would never own a GM vehicle as they were all crap he said he only buys Japanese.