There is a shortage of housing in areas people want to live in; overcrowding is usually a voluntary problem, not one foisted upon someone. Look at a satellite image of the UK-most of it is empty space and would welcome you with open arms.
The net effect of migration is mixed. Yes, immigrants put downward pressure on wages, but they also provide a pre-trained work force in which the economically inactive childhood was borne by another country.
It's not the number of immigrants that concerns me so much as the quality of the immigrants. We were very late in adopting a points system in which we cherry pick whom we let in to the UK.
(Look at a satellite image of the UK-most of it is empty space and would welcome you with open arms. )
There's no one there to welcome you ,most of the open space is farmland or moorland ,north Yorkshire is a prime example .it lacks the infrastructure of roads schools and hospitals to cope with an influx of new residents .
(The net effect of migration is mixed. Yes, immigrants put downward pressure on wages, but they also provide a pre-trained work force in which the economically inactive childhood was borne by another country.)
It still doesn't address the problem of ever rising unemployment in the uk .We have far to many people born in the uk who don't have work .How can we justify net immigration of 250,000 when so many are out of work .
The argument that another country bore the cost of their childhood doesn't run.
It would be fair to estimate that of the 250,000 migrants ,only 100,000 would be potentially productive adults .The balance would be dependant relatives ,many would be of school age ,with the added problem of english as a second language ,and increased healthcare requirements.All extra costs to be bourne by the host country .
It's all very simple.
The benefits system is designed to discourage peopel from working.
We need someone to do cheap work and dirty work..
Without wishing to fan the flames of a future Nazi holocaust's ovens, I would only observe that they have a very high fecundity.
1litregolfeater is correct. Even without the mass influx every year it is only a matter of time before the breeding will overtake the indigenous population. My friends' wife is a midwife and she confirms the birthrate of non indigenous people is far greater than our own. This is on top of the fact that even by ourselves we were managing to breed a fair proportion of morons via other morons anyway. I am not afraid of imigration as long as we are selective but at the same time we should start looking at licences to breed for imigrants and indigenous alike. Cheers Concrete
(we should start looking at licences to breed for imigrants and indigenous alike)
What a desperate prospect ,The key to doing the best we can for the population of the uk is to stop all immigration .
We need to improve the prospects and the education of all people in the uk ,it's a fact that a well educated ,employed population who are ambitious for a better future ,will have a lower birth rate .
To many of the uk,s population are apathetic and lacking ambition ,some are third generation long term unemployed ,instead of spending money on immigrants we need to subsidise employment ,give people from whatever background a sense of achievement in the jobs that they do .
The three million unemployed could be employed to make a vast difference to our filthy streets ,perhaps to be employed in subsidised production of goods that we import to the detriment of our economy.
I'm sure the same ideas have been expounded many times ,but nothing seems to change ,how do we make it happen ?
That is virtually what I said Tony. We have our own morons outbreeding us too. Do not look to our current political masters to solve this problem. This problem needs effective and decisive action to reassert control over the situation. Only two of the qualities the present bunch of soft co**, career politicians are sorely lacking. Take back control within our schools, exclude parents from interfering in school, penalties for allowing your children to be moronic etc and within a few years the change would be astounding. I would use the current unemployed, or rather unemployable, for social tasks to improve the general environment too. The way to make it happen is to use your vote and encourage others to do the same. Refuse to have 'career' politicians as candidates simply to 'tick box' the social mix. We want politicians with a 'bit of wool on their back', some life experiences that can shape policy for the better, not just for vote capturing. Well- then I wake up and realise that the whole behemoth political system is like the NHS- far too big to unravel and start again and far too byzantine to effectively reorganize. But at least we have got to try. The alternative is unthinkable. Put simply, we must raise everyone to a higher standard rather than depress the majority to a lower one. Any takers?? As Confusious said 'the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step'. Excuse me now, my soap box needs some attention!! Good luck. Concrete
Holy thread ressurection batman!
Does he mean net Immigration?
Tories allowed immigration cos they couldnt figure out how to stop it.
Labour encouraged immigration because they are stupid and also because they thought immigrants would vote for them as the nice Labour politicians gave them your houses and your money.
We now have to sort out the mess.
Those nice Pakistanis and Bangladesh's/Ploes/ etc will keep coming because we let them in.
Be honest would you rather live in a rubbish dump in Delhi or a nice terraced house in Salford?
UK is finished and is very soon to be officially bankrupt banana republic oops monarchy.
But we have our wonderful democratic Parliament and smart effective politicians so everything will be wonderful.
My, you have been prolific, Sandy.
I do take exception to your unremittingly negative views of - well, pretty much everything, it seems, to judge from the many posts you have recently made.
Is this why you joined the forum? To spread doom and gloom? To rubbish everything?
I would be glad if I knew a nicer side to you existed. You know, balance and all that.
Edited by FP on 25/06/2012 at 22:03
When massive immigration only affected unimportant people, the working class, then no one was interested and the subject wasn't to be discussed, with charges of 'ist of one sort or another levied at anyone who dare speak out.
Now we have the leader, and i use the term loosely, of the opposition saying that those who objected might ave been right all along, if there's a prize for stating the bleeding obvious then he gets this years inflated offering.
Sandy is spot on the money, not a pessimist but a realist.
Its all over bar the shouting.
Do we face the prospect of race war in the uk similair to Bosnia .
We appear to have all the same problems .
Ie a native working class population that's being displaced by an immigrant race ,that was described in a report ten years ago into the Bradford riots ,as being in the uk to colonise not integrate.
10 years on the same ethnic group ,continues to expand ,creating ever larger ,inward looking communities .English is a second language to children who were born in these communities .Local and national government continue to pour funds into these communities , subsidising festivals such as melas that entrench the same culture .its madness .
It doesn't have to be this way ,the Sikh ,Hindu and Chinese communities have successfully integrated into the uk ,there have been no riots by these ethnic groups or organised exploitation of vulnerable children by them .The Sikhs etc continue thier traditions but largely live among the British population .
We appear to be leaving a dangerous legacy for our children .
Tony g
I am not aware that our Monarchy is bankrupt