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Toyota Lite Ace - lezer
I need to get a vehicle with at least seven seats and thought the Toyota Lite/Town Ace would fit the needs, are there any down sides to this vehicle, diesel prefered Manual/Auto?? your comments please.
Toyota Lite Ace - DavidHM
Downsides: it's an old, tired van that looks like a van, drives like a van, has no crash protection, is available mainly as a Japanese import with no understandable history, may not be rustproofed, as a Japanese spec version, parts availability may be limited, and it is frequently wildly overpriced.

Worst of all, it might still prove difficult to kill the b*****. What's your budget? If it's less than about £2,000 it might make some kind of perverted sense, but I suspect we're talking about £5,000 to £7,000 here. For a 10 year old van.
Toyota Lite Ace - crazed
these are very popular in new zealand

and seem very reliable

however the crash protection does look bad, but carnt be worse than a vw camper