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Keep the Accord or trade? - apm
Hi all,

My M-I-L has an aging Honda Accord, 2000 on an X-plate, 2.0S, showing about 115k.

With recent house moves, both she and we have a little money at the mo, and there is a debate as to whether she should hang onto her Honda or if now is a good time to change.

Honda's in very good condition, all working and good bodywork (red paint a little faded). I reckon we cold get maybe £1200 privately, maybe £1500 trade in.

Option to change- I'm looking at Nissan Notes about 56- 07 plate, 20k, for about £6500. The CBCB says very nice things, and they seem to be very good value both in purchase price and running cost.

Some of her colleagues are saying she should hang onto the Honda as it probably has another 5 years in it. This may be true, but there may be a big bill quite soon. I also think that a more modern vehicle will have better passive safety features particularly for when my son is traveling with her. Finally, in 5 years when the Honda finally dies, there may not be cash around to replace it!

She's not really a bangernomics person, and would hang onto the Honda for the sake of not spending out the cash. I'm suggesting that the change would save her several hundred pa in tax, insurance and petrol (she's on a limited monthly budget).

Thoughts, oh learned backroomers?

Thanks in advance,


Keep the Accord or trade? - sandy56
The Accord is a good car and if in good condition as you say it could certainly last another few or more years without major bills ( maybe).

The bigger car would be safer in a shunt old or not. Check the safety info on the Accord, you may be surprised.

For economic reasons did you include the money lost by losing the interest on your £6500.00 -not a lot I know.

That said she / you must make a decision.

I used to change my cars after about 5 yrs old but no more, our BMW 318 is 8 yrs old and still going strong so it stays as I cannt face paying about £10k for a damm little box of any kind, so when it goes it will be something about 2 3 yrs old that is a good buy- eg bigger car that depreciates a lot.

good luck
Keep the Accord or trade? - corax
It all depends how much those lower running costs are going to mean to her, and how attached she is to the Honda.

I can tell you that 115K for that shape Honda Accord is nothing, and they are capable of huge mileages with no major problems. If it is well serviced, you would be unlucky to receive a big bill. That model was very reliable, and still is. Is it an auto or manual? Autos are known to give problems, and this would be expensive to put right. Where is it being serviced? An independent garage will save money over a main dealer, or maybe she's already doing this.

>>I think that a more modern vehicle will have better passive safety features

That particular Honda is surprisingly good, it has a 4 star EuroNcap. My dad was shunted from behind hard enough to write his Honda off (same model), and he was fine.

It is up to you, but if she's fond of it, I would hang onto the Honda as it's a known quantity, and then maybe save up while driving it in order to buy a more economical car later.

If, on the other hand, it is crippling her in fuel costs, tax and insurance, maybe you should bite the bullet and look at the Nissan.
Keep the Accord or trade? - Falkirk Bairn
Keep the Honda.

Spend money (or do it yourself) on a valet - give the faded red paint a lift.

Get it checked / serviced locally and assuming it is a manual it should run for years.

Spending £6.5K on a Note would lose say £1600 in the coming year - that would pay for even a major repair (and lots of petrol) on the Accord should it arise and she will still have the £4900 balance "in her purse".
Keep the Accord or trade? - grumpyscot
Only 115k on a Honda - it's almost run in then. My CRV has done the same mileage and I wouldn't consider getting rid. Not even any sign of rust and its 11 years old!

Keep the Honda!
Keep the Accord or trade? - helicopter
If it aint broke don't fix it.....

Another vote for keeping the Honda.....Reliable and safe transport, why spend money when you don't have to?

Keep the Accord or trade? - DP
Another vote for keeping the Honda. The ability of these cars to run to starship mileages without incident is legendary. I suspect it's barely half way through its useful economical life.
Keep the Accord or trade? - corax

If you need any more proof as to how good Honda Accords are, go to Hondabeat.com and click on 'high mileage stories'. :-)