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04 1.2 Heater cold & empty coolant reservoir - Beccalou
Heater blowing cold. Checked water bottle in engine - empty. Filled it up and started the engine. After a minute or two noticed water spluttering up out of the engine at a point on the left. Near to the cam belt I noticed a pipe had detached itself from the engine (block?). Looks like a simple re-attachment but the garage seem to be saying this is going to be much more than that. Are they conning me?

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 01/12/2009 at 18:58

04 1.2 Heater - Victorbox
If it looks a simple re-attachment job (or replace hose &/or clip) I'd do it myself, refill temporarily with water and see what happens. You may need to bleed air out of system if it's run dry. Garage may think you've run it with no coolant which would probably mean unseen damage. New pink 50% mix antifreeze will be needed if your temp fix is successful.
04 1.2 Heater - topbloke
you have not posted your engine code but i will assume that this is a Z12xe engine which is chain drive in which case i assume that the pipe that you are talking about is the one that go's fron the bottle to the water pump if so you will find that the stub that the pipe connects to is plastic, these have a habit of breaking only sollution is a new pump, but if its been run without water what other damage has occured ! However if this is not your engine type then please disregard,Regards TB post your engine code anyway it may help as indeed a better description as to which pipe