How can we update a V5C if we're in another country?
I currently have my car registered at my address and will transfer it to my wife as new main driver at her address (2 houses). Insurance is in place but I can't tell DVLA in advance online as it won't let me. How do we change the V5C details and re-tax on the sale date as we'll both be in Spain in another vehicle. I'm wary of sending the V5C in case i need it for retaxing the car. Any help gratefully received.
Asked on 30 July 2024 by Peter Lewis

This process is no different to if you were selling the car privately to another party. On the date you wish the transfer to occur, fill in the green sections of the V5/C and complete the transfer online using the DVLA service here: As soon as the transfer has taken place (a matter of hours if you do this between 7am and 7pm) you can use the New Keeper Slip to tax the vehicle online immediately, this way there is no need to send off the V5/C and your wife will receive a new V5/C in the post to the provided address.
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