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New or Used? - tawse

I have found a dealer who can supply me a new metallic paint CRV ES diesel for £17,600 delivered to my door.

The closest I have come to this used is a 2008 ES diesel, again metallic, with 11K on the clock for a forecourt asking price of 16K. I haven't as yet haggled with the dealer as merely browsed the forecourt over the weekend.

I probably will pay cash for either, although the new model has the potential for the 0% deal from Honda over 2 years, 10K down and then remainder over 2 years.

So the option appears to be new for 17.5K or a 12 month old used with 10K on the clock for... well, what should my target price be for this car?



New or Used? - ifithelps

You mentioned in a now deleted post you had access to substantial funds.

Given that you are clearly well-able to afford either car, why mess around with a used one?

Edited by ifithelps on 10/03/2009 at 14:40

New or Used? - tawse
You know, another HJer emailed me recently and asked the same question and pointed out that I am a long time dead. I have been thinking much about that in the past few days.

I have concluded that there are two reasons:

1. I have been ill and not worked for a few years. There is a part of me which is afraid of what would happen if I am unable to find work or to get back to work - apparently this is common after illness. This is probably irrational - I know my GP would say that - and probably now the lack of a car, of getting out and about is stopping me 'getting on' with life.

2. I inherited my parent's home a few years back and managed to sell it last year prior to the crash. The email from the other HJer made me stop and realise that a bg part of me is almost afraid to splurge out the savings/the 'house money' that my Mum and Dad - a nurse and a scaffolder - worked so damn hard for.

It might sound silly but I don't want to let them down... but as friends have been pointing out to me of late my Mum and Dad would want me to be happy and to get on with living.

I hope that makes sense. Apologies for being sentimental and perhaps giving you an answer you weren't expecting.
New or Used? - T Lucas
Needs to be minimum 3k difference,but really nearer 4k.Go for 0%.
New or Used? - tawse
Needs to be minimum 3k difference but really nearer 4k.Go for 0%.

Not sure what you mean - difference between the new price and the used price? The new price is 4,500 off the new list price.
New or Used? - rtj70
The second hand one would have to be a lot cheaper for me to opt for it rather than the new one. It obviously has not depreciated that much yet. Sounds a good deal. Isn't the list price for that model of CRV about £22k?

If there is 0% option and I had the cash I'd still for for that personally. Why hand over a lump of cash when you can keep some back just in case.
New or Used? - ifithelps
...Apologies for being sentimental and perhaps giving you an answer you weren't expecting...


No apology needed.

People think spending money is easy, but inherited money in particular comes with baggage attached.

You are likely to feel more responsible than if the money had come via wages.

All I can say is that from my limited knowledge of your situation, you are being responsible by not blowing a vast amount on a dream car.

You are buying something you could more or less have afforded anyway.

You recognise being carless is stopping you getting on with your life, so I think one of these Hondas needs to be bought.

It's unlikely you'll be less than pleased with either of them.

In the wider context, it matters not which one you buy.

New or Used? - tawse
>>Isn't the list price for that model of CRV about £22k?
If there is 0% option and I had the cash I'd still for for that
personally. Why hand over a lump of cash when you can keep some back just
in case.

Yep, the new price is 22K, the dealer price is 4,500 off that price which is a 20.5% discount.
New or Used? - rtj70
That's what I thought. So the depreciation on the year old one has been about £5k then. Who knows how cars will depreciate over the next twelve months - fewer cars being sold could mean better residuals.

Unless they price of the second hand one can be cut significantly then I think I'd go for the unregistered/new one. Wonder if they will knock off even more for cash though!
New or Used? - ForumNeedsModerating
I veer(!) towards the new one. With such a small difference in price - even when factoring in the haggle on the 2ndhand one - you get a completely 'unmolested' brand spanking new car - no 'baggage' or history.

There's even the subtle (but powerful in my view) lift that a new-new car can give - whenever I've picked a a brand new car I've been like a little boy anticipating a visit to Selfridge's toy department - you don't get that thrill often as an adult - I'd go for it!

I hope you've got the option of trailer delivery for the new - not quite the same if an impatient delivery driver has thrashed it on the M-way beforehand.

The 0% deal on the new also gives the opportunity to freshen up your credit rating - not that I'm suggesting it's jaded of course - but nice freshly repaid credit history always helps in future credit negotiations/applications - if you think you might need it. You've also got the option to invest the finance amount - why not look into one of those current account offers that offer good rates of interest for regular payments in.

New or Used? - xtrailman
Everyone wants a good deal, even if you can afford 2 or 3 Crvs?

I just don't think the discount is enough, maybe the top model may be better value,
20% off more= bigger discount.
New or Used? - Harbornite
Not sure if its any use to the OP but Lings Cars has just reduced the personal lease of CRVs - ES Diesel £264 - EX Diesel £305.

Both are on a 3 + 35 month deal, could be an option
New or Used? - Martin Devon
Dear T. How long do you intend to keep the item.. it may have a bearing on the choice. In the financial situation we find ourselves in a bit of pestering and timing will pay dividends I am sure. More so with used.

good luck.

New or Used? - tawse
I kept my last car for 10 years, probably would look to change before then.

My local dealer is just a no no on price reductions - a friend of mine works for the chain and he buys his cars elsewhere.

My original aim was to buy a used 12 or 24 month old one for about 14Kish but just checking on autotrader most of these are in the 15K to 16K mark.
New or Used? - tawse
Not sure if its any use to the OP but Lings Cars has just reduced
the personal lease of CRVs - ES Diesel £264 - EX Diesel £305.
Both are on a 3 + 35 month deal could be an option

Thanks but I have never got my head around the leasing - basically it is a rental which allows you to hand the car back or pay a big wad.
New or Used? - doctorchris
Tawse, like yourself I'm on long-term sick with a good income from an insurance scheme and quite a lot of capital behind me.
Last Oct I looked at the decreasing interest payments on my capital and thought, pink fluffy dice, I will buy a new car. Never regretted the decision.
Go for it!

Edited by Webmaster on 11/03/2009 at 23:52

New or Used? - tawse
Thanks dc, that rules you out being my GP. It had been on my mind :-)

New or Used? - tawse
Thanks all - have decided to go for it. I appreciate the advice.

Just deciding now on whether to get a blue or silver one. Will make my mind up overnight and call the dealer in the morning.

New or Used? - rtj70
So is the choice for silver the "blueish silver" or "whistle silver". If the web does it justice and the latter I think it looks nicer. Little darker silver. But it's your car. If choice between Royal Blue and Blueish Silver I'd go for blue. But whistle silver looks nice.

In a few years, silver will again be the new white ;-)
New or Used? - tawse
Yep, it is blueish silver or whiteish silver. I have decided on the blue as, well, my last car was silver and a change is as good as a rest... and blues is one of my favourite colours.

Also had a good look online and compared photos of both, even found some dealer forecourt photos online with the two colours side by side.

Here is a blue one
tinyurl.com/b5dnbj (silver in background)

Here is a silver one

Here are both side by side - interesting shot of a US dealer forecourt full of CRVS

New or Used? - rtj70
I quite liked the whistle white on the website if its accurate. But I'm sick of silver cars too ;-) My current car is some sort of greyish coloured Mazda6.
New or Used? - tawse
I have read a NZ research paper online from 2003 that says that silver cars are the safest, also read a thread from several years back on here about that report. HJ mentions that silver cars hold their value better - but then that is from 6 years back now.

A friend commented today that silver cars are now so common sometimes when she is on the motorway all she sees around her is silver cars... which is a fair comment. I am basically 60-40 in favour of the blueish silver over the whiteish. I like both. Accoring to one of the CRV forums the whiteish silver and black are the two favourite colours of their members followed by the blueish.
New or Used? - rtj70
But there are two silver CR-Vs blueish silver and whistle silver. There is not whiteish.
New or Used? - tawse
Sorry, my mistake - it is whistler silver which is the silver and then the blueish silver which is a kind of metallic blue but looks like silver with a hint of blue
New or Used? - tawse
I quite liked the whistle white on the website if its accurate. But I'm sick
of silver cars too ;-) My current car is some sort of greyish coloured Mazda6.

The images on the website are not very accurate at all. You really have to download the brochure PDF to see 'proper' photos of the silver which, I think, is the colour mostly used in the brochure. Hence why I trawled the net for photos of the two colours.
New or Used? - tawse
FYI, today I gave my local dealer one last chance to come close to the broker price and the closest they could come was 3K more than online. Even then they reckoned the car would be sold at a small loss to them and would simply be putting the car through their books. I pointed the salesman to the website of the broker and he sounded amazed when he read the price out - said that it was hard to believe Honda were allowing the cars to be sold at such a price.
New or Used? - rtj70
Make sure all is okay with the deal. But if the 0% is an option I'd take it if genuinely 0% with no catches. Check if it can be repaid early without penalty.

Even if you get little/no interest on the balance, you could always try premium bonds for a couple of years :-)
New or Used? - tawse
Even if you get little/no interest on the balance you could always try premium bonds
for a couple of years :-)

I have them now - used to win about £50 per month, once I won £150 in a month, until Dec of last year. Have not won a penny since. Brown has reduced the prize pot and has given the rest to the bankers. Must keep them in the lifestyles they have become accustomed to.
New or Used? - rtj70
I have won nothing since November. But my wife has done well over the last 6 months. Okay only £50-£150 wins but more than she'd have got with interest even if that had not plummeted.

Edited by rtj70 on 12/03/2009 at 20:29

New or Used? - tawse
Good to hear that someone is winning something.
New or Used? - tawse
OK, just a quick note to say thanks for all your advice and help.

I ordered the car online today from drivethedeal - £17,541.65 plus £230 to have it trailered to my door. Otherwise it would have been driven to me and I didn't fancy that. It is a diesel 2.2 ES model in the Blueish Silver Metallic.

I didn't go for the 0% as it would have meant me travelling over 150 miles to the dealer to sign the 0% finance deal prior to awaiting delivery of the car. Apart from working out that it would have earned me at best, at current interest rates, about £300 by the time I take into account the hassle/stress and cost of getting to the dealer it is easier to pay them the lump sum and get the car trailered to me.

Going anywhere outside of my comfort zone at present can do more harm than good so no point in pushing things. Part of the reason why I am ordering the CRV, apart from it feeling big enough in the cockpit for me, is that I also feel safe and relaxed in one compared to other makes and models and aim to simply get back out there on the roads.

Perhaps I could have haggled them a big more on the cash side - well, I don't know as I have never haggled with brokers before. Bottom line is that it a much better deal than the £500 that my local dealer was stubbornly sticking to on both new and used CRVs (Although they did come down to 2K off list when I mentioned the DTD quote but even then that is still 2K more than I am paying now) and, yes, it should be a big lift getting a new car.

Once I have got over the shock of spending money - yes, I am in shock as I type - I should start looking forward to it :-)

Edited by tawse on 13/03/2009 at 17:11

New or Used? - Lud
£230 to have it trailered to my door. Otherwise it would have been driven to me and I didn't fancy that.

Of course, of course. Far better to have the clutch slipped at 4,000rpm for a couple of minutes while they drive it up onto the trailer...

(Don't worry tawse, I'm sure they will winch it up gently with a velvet rope really).

New or Used? - tawse
Of course of course. Far better to have the clutch slipped at 4 000rpm for
a couple of minutes while they drive it up onto the trailer...
(Don't worry tawse I'm sure they will winch it up gently with a velvet rope

Do not do this to me :-)

I clearly remember 10 years ago sitting down and thinking that I had nothing to worry about in life. In fact, the only thing I had to worry about was that I had nothing to worry about... if you see what I mean.