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London Congestion Charge Extension to be scrapped - boxsterboy
Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, is to scrap the extension.

Consultation produced 28,000 reponses. 67% of residents and 86% of businesses wanted it scrapped, so scrap it he will do!
London Congestion Charge Extension to be scrapped - Leif

Will he abolish the entire scheme given that it seems to serve little purpose beyond creating an empire, reducing business for many shops in the zone, making it impossible for many small businesses to operate in the zone.
London Congestion Charge Extension to be scrapped - malden blue
Boris a my hero!

Come on mate get rid of the rest of it and you'll be mayor of London for the next 20 years!!!!!!
London Congestion Charge Extension to be scrapped - NowWheels
It won't be gone until 2010: see news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/7752046.stm
London Congestion Charge Extension to be scrapped - Nsar
Boris for Mayor.......of Manchester!
London Congestion Charge Extension to be scrapped - malden blue
The BBC had assorted tree hugger types on the news this afternoon, ripping Boris to pieces over this (typical BEEB) they then to their due however gave an old codger who had been leading the anti-congestion charge campaign a minutes airtime time he tore all of their arguements to shreds!!!!

Congestion has not been lessened
The charge raises no revenue
Pollution levels have not dropped
Quite the opposite in fact as westzone residents now travel more in their cars being inside the zone!!

local resident 1- facist dont listen to anyone else's arguement greeny 0
London Congestion Charge Extension to be scrapped - DP
This man is looking dangerously like that rarest of breeds - a politician who does what he says he will do.
London Congestion Charge Extension to be scrapped - malden blue
unlike the norm where they say then do the opposite

Red Ken prior to his last election win as mayor

'I will not increase congestion charges'

within a matter of months of his election they went up 60% !!!

Edited by malden blue on 27/11/2008 at 16:33

London Congestion Charge Extension to be scrapped - nick
This man is looking dangerously like that rarest of breeds - a politician who does
what he says he will do.

Not only that he actually took notice of a consultation process. Never been heard of before.
London Congestion Charge Extension to be scrapped - Stuartli
When Boris was appointed Mayor he was villified, compared to a certain previous incumbent, as being mad, bad or whatever you wish to state because he is a Tory.

Boris, however, has proved he is his own man, as so much of his (often quite brilliant) journalistic outpourings have indicated.

On a scale of 0-10 intelligence wise, it's Boris eight to nine and KL two to three (if he's lucky)...:-)

Ping Pong rules.

London Congestion Charge Extension to be scrapped - Lud
I always liked the cut of this mayor's jib, although it would have gone against the grain even to give him my second choice vote, which I planned to do along with throwing my first vote away on the greens in protest against the devil's spawn Livingstone (for whom, may I be forgiven, I voted twice in knee-jerk old Labour style). However on the day I forgot to vote, so didn't have to feel contorted about voting Con.

Oddly enough though I am in two minds about dropping the Western Extension, although I opposed its introduction. Of course it will save me 200 quid a year. But there will be more traffic, and I won't be able to drive into the West End whenever I feel like it. And I just don't believe that it doesn't earn any money. Traffic reduction is supposed to be only 10 per cent, but it feels like at least twice that in my immediate neighbourhood. Delays these days are caused by cages and temporary traffic lights everywhere. If the mayor is serious about responding to road-users' needs - and don't forget he still has two years to change his mind about Kensington & Chelsea - he could do a lot worse than restoring a proper traffic flow-friendly road system in the West end and elsewhere. Livingstone was, and his ilk are, real poison.

London Congestion Charge Extension to be scrapped - qxman {p}
I live a long way from London and don't have much interest in who is mayor. I do visit London from time to time though (for business, using the train) and it seemed to me that the CC substantially reduced traffic.
London Congestion Charge Extension to be scrapped - spikeyhead {p}
There was an initial reduction that has now been eradicated inside the zone, however traffic and congestion is far worse just outside it.