My car's rear is not reaching the ride height it used to, but it will go up to full height but not every time it is selected. I have also found that when the rear isn't at the correct ride height my brakes have to be stood on to get a result. Any advice would be appriecated.
Two things spring to mind,
Rear height corrector sticking/partly seized. (do a forum search for more info).
Pressure accumulator sphere faulty. With the engine ticking over, height corrector at "normal", there should be a loudish "TICK" from the pressure regulator under the bonnet about twice per minute. A frequent regular "TICK" quicker than this suggests the sphere is faulty.
The rear brakes take their pressure feed via the rear suspension which suggests that the height corrector is the first port of call.
The Xantia weighs well over a tonne. Don't rely on the hydraulics to hold it up. A Xantia on axle stands is better than one on the head!