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Ford Mondeo Front Tyres - John Sales

My 2000 W reg Ford Mondeo 2.0 will soon need two new front tyres. At present it still has the originals, which are Michelin Pilot HX MXM's.

These grip very well but I have only obtained just over 20,000 miles from them; I would have thought that they would have lasted far longer than this, though I suppose you can't have good grip and a tyre that lasts for ever!

I have yet to make any serious enquiries but, from looking at the various tyre websites that are mentioned on here, fear that replacements for the Michelins will be very expensive.

Would be very interested to hear what replacement tyres others have fitted to these cars, please. I know that you have a Mondeo, HJ, so would be very grateful to learn what you have selected for yours.

Many Thanks,

John Sales
Re: Ford Mondeo Front Tyres - Honest John
I continue to use the Continental Eco Contacts the car came on. They provide enough grip up to about 14,000 miles, after which you get the usual Mondeo shoulder wear. Your mileage of 20,000 miles from your Pilots is fine. Why would you expect more than this from a front wheel drive car with a grippy front end? The backs will easily see 40k if they don't get destroyed by puncture damage first.

Re: Ford Mondeo Front Tyres - Derek

My 2-litre Mondeo came with Contis and they also lasted 20,000 miles on the front. The replacement Michelins gave another 2-3 thou. Contrast this with around 35,000 on Pug 405 and 406, and 40,000+ miles on my wife's two Cavaliers. I think the Mondeo was heavy on tyres.
Re: Ford Mondeo Front Tyres - Alwyn

Did they wear evenly or are they scrubbed? Ours has outer edge wear even though we are told the tracking is fine.
Re: Ford Mondeo Front Tyres - Honest John
Outer edge wear, from mini roundabouts (and, of course, from doorhandling the car).
Re: Ford Mondeo Front Tyres - John Sales

No, they certainly haven't worn evenly, the shoulders have virtually disappeared. I don't think that I've ever owned a car that has worn tyres perfectly evenly, in spite of the tracking being spot on.

Will certainly get the tracking checked when I purchase the new tyres but, as in your own case, I strongly suspect that it will be correct already. I think that HJ calls this "Milton Keynes Syndrome" as, apparently, a major cause of this problem with a Mondeo is driving around lots of mini-roundabouts, something which I myself do.

I hope this is of some use to you,

Re: Ford Mondeo Front Tyres - RickyBoy
So, when were you last in MK HJ? The number of 'mini-roundabouts' continues to grow at an alarming daily rate confounding even a 25-yearer(sic) like myself!

PS. Could always put a beer by/on the table for you next time you're passing through?...
Re: Ford Mondeo Front Tyres - Bill Doodson
The Avons I fitted to my 24V Mondeo estate lasted less than 8000 miles on the front. I have now moved to Michelin Exaltos (they are on the back at the moment untill what were the rear Avons which moved to the front have gone).

It's the first car I've ever had that costs as much as my motorcycles to re-shoe!

Re: Ford Mondeo Front Tyres - Cyclone Cyd
I've never owned a car that didn't wear its tyres perfectly evenly - except where there was a problem. I've just had 40K out of a set of Uniroyal 440s on my Rover 800 Vitesse Sport (they were rotated to wear all out together). They all wore perfectly evenly. Judging by the correspondence I would summise Modeos are hard on front tyres.
The wear rating on the 440s was 160. I have replaced them with Goodyear Eagle F1s - which are brilliant, especially in the wet. These have a wear rating of 200, so should last even longer. Dunlop SP 8000 were the OE fit to my machine (the original owner got nearly 50K out of these, admitedly lots of autobahn mileage) - the SP9000 are supposed to be very good (a friend has them on a Porsche). Make sure that whatever you get it is based on a silica compound - this will give good grip AND good life (all other things being equal).
Re: Ford Mondeo Front Tyres - Keith
I use P6000s on my Mondeo. They seem to last a fair while. I have had that many wheel alignment problems however I'm not sure how long they would last if the alignment was correct.

I paid £60 for 4 wheel alignment from a place in Chalfont. They have a 'Hunter' machine - allegedly the best available. Yet now the back tyres are wearing really unevenly.

I cant win.

The P6000s are nice and grippy, quiet and are fairly cheap. I haggled with quick fit who lowered their price considerably to beat a local independent (they had them in stock and I needed them the same day.)

However they were going to jack the rear up using a trolley jack on the sill (the Mondeo has no other jack points on the rear.)

I would suggest you pay attention to the jack positions when you get your new tyres.

I would also suggest you dont bother having your "tracking checked" if you have no problems. No-one seems to know how to do it properly and perhaps adjust it to give the impression of value for money (some places also dont charge if no adjustment is required)
Re: Ford Mondeo Front Tyres - peter bushell
20k seems about right for Mondeo front tyres, Ihave just had mine replaced at that mileage. They wor perfectly evenly after a tracking adjustment at the last change. Back tyres seem to go about 50k with me. I tow a caravan about 2k each year
Re: Ford Mondeo Front Tyres - Alan Clark
The old Mondeo is a heavy car on the fronts. Although mine is a 1.8 TD and possibly heavier than petrol (don't quote me though) I used to use Good Year (what were Grand Prix S - although rebadged to something else....memory fades with age) and decided to save £10 a tyre. Am now on Falkens. Apart from not heeding advice re tracking (bank account empty / Xmas looming) I lost one after 10K. The remaining original is now 25k old and still looking good. Handling is okay though not sensational but safe enough all the same. Had all 4 shocks replaced recently too - might make a difference (not the easiest to do on the rear by all accounts - hence a local tyre dealer did them - very good service - BA Bush, local to Skegness and surrounding area). It seems to be something Mondeo owners need to suffer.
Ford Mondeo Front Tyres - sal
My Goodyear Eagle touring tyres (185/65r14) have lasted ovwer three and a half years without a hitch on my Ford Mondeo 97 model. But now they are not available, so I'm also wandering which tyres are best.
