Brief outline?.
Wife?s was turning right at a traffic light controlled junction. Third party ?jumped? the red light and emerged to wife?s right. Both parties braked but collision was inevitable (wife?s front end with third party?s nearside door).
Third party has admitted he did not see the red traffic light (there was a left turn filter that he thought and assumed was meant for him ? he was going straight on).
Police were not called as there was no apparent injuries. Details of witness (who was following wife?s car) were taken.
Is there any point in reporting to the police?
If there were no injuries and you have both exchanged names and addresses and vehicle details then the law has been complied with and no requirement to report to the Police.
If details not exchanged requirement to report to Police within 24 hours or sooner.
If injury then if Insurance details were exchanged at scene again law complied. If not then report required.
Whilst doubtful that you would persuade local Police to be involved because of the lack of injury there is witnessed evidence of offence/s due care/fail to comform to Traffic sign committed and if a conviction ensued from this it helps your claim on the Insurance as fault established.
As DVD says, the reality is that unless the above is there the CPS won't go anywhere near it. Police around here have got an abbreviated system for dealing with RTCs that come outside the criteria for CPS prosecution, they won't even fill out an accident book.